
APIS_BASE_URL and apis_core.apis_entities.api_views.GetEntityGeneric

When you create an instance of an Entity a signal apis_core.apis_entities.models.create_default_uri() is triggered that tries to generate a canonical URI for the entity. The signal can be disabled by setting the CREATE_DEFAULT_URI setting to False. If the signal runs, it creates the canoncical URI from two parts. The first part comes from the APIS_BASE_URI setting. The second part comes from the reverse route of GetEntityGenericRoot if that exists. If not, it uses the the reverse route of apis_core:GetEntityGeneric, which is defined in apis_core.urls and defaults to /entity/{pk}. If the value of APIS_BASE_URL changes and urls containing the former APIS_BASE_URL remain in the database, then the old APIS_BASE_URL value must added to the setting APIS_FORMER_BASE_URIS. APIS_FORMER_BASE_URIS is a list that contains base urls that were once used.

Django Settings

This section deals with the internal configuration of APIS. For instructions on how to set it up please refer to Installation. All the settings described here are part of the Django settings and can be set in the file of your Django project.


APIS uses the Django Restframework for API provisioning. Restframework specific settings like the default page size can be set here.


Use the above default for allowing every user with permissions on a model to change all model instances. Set "rest_framework.permissions.IsAuthenticated" if every logged in user should have all permissions.


Sets the default page size the APIS RestAPI should deliver.


We provide a custom schema generator for spectacular. It is meant as a drop in replacement for the DEFAULT_GENERATOR_CLASS of drf-spectacular. You can use it like this:

SPECTACULAR_SETTINGS["DEFAULT_GENERATOR_CLASS"] = 'apis_core.generic.generators.CustomSchemaGenerator'


The first reason is, that we are using a custom converter (apis_core.generic.urls.ContenttypeConverter) to provide access to views and api views of different contenttypes. The default endpoint generator of the drf-spectacular does not know about this converter and therefore sees the endpoints using this converter as one endpoint with one parameter called contenttype. Thats not what we want, so we have to do our own enumeration - we iterate through all contenttypes that inherit from GenericModel and create schema endpoints for those programatically.

The second reason is, that the autoapi schema generator of DRF Spectacular and our apis_core.generic.api_views.ModelViewSet don’t work well together. Our ModelViewSet needs the dispatch method to set the model of the ModelViewSet, but this method is not being called by the generator while doing the inspection, which means the ModelViewSet does not know about the model it should work with and can not provide the correct serializer and filter classes. Therefore we create the callback for the endpoints by hand and set the model from there.



Sets the base URI your instance should use. This is important as APIS uses mainly URIs instead of IDs. This setting is used to generate the canonical URI of an entity. It is included in the serializations of entities (eg the JSON returned by the API) and therefore should be set to the URL your production app is running on.





Sets whether list and detail views are accessible for anonymous (not logged in) users. If only a subset of the data should be exposed to the anonymous user, use custom managers.

Maintenance Middleware

APIS ships a maintenance middlware that you can use and activate to enable a maintenance mode in your project. Maintenance mode means that only superuser accounts can access the webinterfaces, all other requests are being answered with a simple maintenance mode page (the maintenance.html template). To use the middleware, add


to your settings.MIDDLEWARE list. To activate the maintenance mode once the middlware is enabled, simply create a file apis_maintenance in the directory the main Django process runs in. The path of the maintenance file can be changed in the settings: APIS_MAINTENANCE_FILE = "path of the file"