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1import json
3from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required
4from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
5from django.http import HttpResponse
6from django.template.loader import render_to_string
8from apis_core.apis_entities.autocomplete3 import PropertyAutocomplete
9from apis_core.apis_entities.utils import get_entity_classes
10from apis_core.apis_relations.forms import GenericTripleForm
11from apis_core.apis_relations.models import Property, TempTriple, Triple
12from apis_core.generic.views import List
15class GenericRelationView(List):
16 def setup(self, *args, **kwargs):
17 super().setup(*args, **kwargs)
18 if self.kwargs["entity"] == "property":
19 self.model = Property
20 else:
21 self.model = Triple
22 self.queryset = self.model.objects.all()
25# TODO RDF: After full conversion to ne ajax logic, remove this function
27def get_form_ajax(request):
28 """Returns forms rendered in html"""
30 form_name = request.POST.get("FormName")
31 SiteID = int(request.POST.get("SiteID"))
32 ButtonText = request.POST.get("ButtonText")
33 ObjectID = request.POST.get("ObjectID")
34 entity_type_self_str = request.POST.get("entity_type")
36 if ObjectID is None and form_name.startswith("triple_form_"):
37 # If this is the case, then instantiate an empty form
39 entity_type_other_str = form_name.split("_to_")[1]
41 form = GenericTripleForm(
42 entity_type_self_str=entity_type_self_str,
43 entity_type_other_str=entity_type_other_str,
44 )
46 elif ObjectID is not None and SiteID is not None:
47 # If this is the case, then instantiate a form and pre-load with existing data
49 triple = TempTriple.objects.get(pk=ObjectID)
50 property_instance = triple.prop
52 if == SiteID:
53 entity_instance_self = triple.subj
54 entity_instance_other = triple.obj
55 property_direction = PropertyAutocomplete.SELF_SUBJ_OTHER_OBJ_STR
56 elif == SiteID:
57 entity_instance_self = triple.obj
58 entity_instance_other = triple.subj
59 property_direction = PropertyAutocomplete.SELF_OBJ_OTHER_SUBJ_STR
60 else:
61 raise Exception("SiteID was not found in triple")
63 entity_type_other_str = entity_instance_other.__class__.__name__
64 entity_type_self_str = entity_instance_self.__class__.__name__
65 form_name = f"triple_form_{entity_type_self_str.lower()}_to_{entity_type_other_str.lower()}"
67 form = GenericTripleForm(
68 entity_type_self_str=entity_type_self_str,
69 entity_type_other_str=entity_type_other_str,
70 )
71 form.load_subj_obj_prop(
72 entity_instance_self,
73 entity_instance_other,
74 property_instance,
75 property_direction,
76 )
77 form.load_remaining_data_from_triple(triple)
79 else:
80 raise Exception("Missing necessary form data")
82 param_dict = {
83 "entity_type": entity_type_self_str,
84 "form": form,
85 "type1": form_name,
86 "url2": "save_ajax_" + form_name,
87 "button_text": ButtonText,
88 "ObjectID": ObjectID,
89 "SiteID": SiteID,
90 }
92 rendered_form_str = render_to_string(
93 "apis_relations/_ajax_form.html", # rel_form_logic_breadcrumb (for refinding the implicit connections)
94 context=param_dict,
95 )
97 data = {"tab": form_name, "form": rendered_form_str}
99 return HttpResponse(json.dumps(data), content_type="application/json")
102# TODO RDF: Re-implement highlighter and label form
104def save_ajax_form(
105 request, entity_type, kind_form, SiteID, ObjectID=False
106): # rel_form_logic_breadcrumb (for refinding the implicit connections)
107 """Tests validity and saves AjaxForms, returns them when validity test fails"""
109 self_other = kind_form.split("triple_form_")[1].split("_to_")
110 entity_type_self_str = self_other[0]
111 entity_type_other_str = self_other[1]
112 contenttypes = [
113 ContentType.objects.get_for_model(model) for model in get_entity_classes()
114 ]
115 entity_type_self_class = next(
116 filter(lambda x: x.model == entity_type_self_str.lower(), contenttypes)
117 ).model_class()
118 entity_type_other_class = next(
119 filter(lambda x: x.model == entity_type_other_str.lower(), contenttypes)
120 ).model_class()
121 entity_instance_self = entity_type_self_class.objects.get(pk=SiteID)
122 entity_instance_other = entity_type_other_class.get_or_create_uri(
123 uri=request.POST["other_entity"]
124 )
125 start_date_written = request.POST["start_date_written"]
126 end_date_written = request.POST["end_date_written"]
127 property_param_dict = {}
128 for param_pair in request.POST["property"].split("__"):
129 param_pair_split = param_pair.split(":")
130 property_param_dict[param_pair_split[0]] = param_pair_split[1]
131 property_instance = Property.objects.get(pk=property_param_dict["id"])
132 property_direction = property_param_dict["direction"]
134 form = GenericTripleForm(entity_type_self_str, entity_type_other_str)
135 form.load_subj_obj_prop(
136 entity_instance_self,
137 entity_instance_other,
138 property_instance,
139 property_direction,
140 )
142 if ObjectID is not False:
143 triple = TempTriple.objects.get(pk=ObjectID)
144 form.load_remaining_data_from_triple(triple)
146 form.load_remaining_data_from_input(
147 start_date_written,
148 end_date_written,
149 )
150 form.fields["notes"].initial = request.POST["notes"]
153 data = {
154 "test": True,
155 "tab": kind_form,
156 "call_function": "EntityRelationForm_response",
157 "instance": form.instance.get_web_object(),
158 "table_html": form.get_html_table(
159 entity_instance_self, entity_instance_other, request
160 ).as_html(request),
161 "text": None,
162 "right_card": True,
163 }
164 return HttpResponse(json.dumps(data), content_type="application/json")