Coverage for apis_core/core/ 38%

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1from django.conf import settings 

2from django.contrib.auth.mixins import AccessMixin 


4from apis_core.utils.utils import access_for_all 



7class ViewPassesTestMixin(AccessMixin): 

8 """ 

9 Deny a request with a permission error if the test_func() method returns 

10 False. This is mostly a copy of Django's UserPassesTestMixin, but it allows 

11 to set the APIS_VIEW_PASSES_TEST setting to define a function that receives 

12 the view and can perform checks on any of the views attributes. 

13 If such a setting does not exist, it falls back to APIS' access_for_all 

14 function. 

15 """ 


17 def test_func(self): 

18 if hasattr(settings, "APIS_VIEW_PASSES_TEST"): 

19 return settings.APIS_VIEW_PASSES_TEST(self) 

20 # fall back to more general access check 

21 return access_for_all(self, viewtype="detail") 


23 def get_test_func(self): 

24 """ 

25 Override this method to use a different test_func method. 

26 """ 

27 return self.test_func 


29 def dispatch(self, request, *args, **kwargs): 

30 view_test_result = self.get_test_func()() 

31 if not view_test_result: 

32 return self.handle_no_permission() 

33 return super().dispatch(request, *args, **kwargs) 



36class ListViewObjectFilterMixin: 

37 """ 

38 Filter a queryset of a listview using the APIS_LIST_VIEW_OBJECT_FILTER 

39 setting if it exists. A child class has to call the `filter_queryset` 

40 method somewhere, most likely in the `get_queryset` method. 

41 """ 


43 def filter_queryset(self, queryset): 

44 if hasattr(super(), "filter_queryset"): 

45 queryset = super().filter_queryset(queryset) 

46 if hasattr(settings, "APIS_LIST_VIEW_OBJECT_FILTER"): 

47 return settings.APIS_LIST_VIEW_OBJECT_FILTER(self, queryset) 

48 return queryset 


50 def get_permission_required(self): 

51 if getattr(settings, "APIS_LIST_VIEWS_ALLOWED", False): 

52 return [] 

53 return super().get_permission_required()