Source code for apis_core.apis_entities.models

import inspect
import re
import sys
import unicodedata
import yaml

# from reversion import revisions as reversion
import reversion
from django.conf import settings
from django.contrib.auth.models import Group
from django.db import models
from django.db.models import Q
from django.db.models.signals import m2m_changed, post_save
from django.dispatch import receiver
from django.urls import reverse
from guardian.shortcuts import assign_perm, remove_perm

from apis_core.apis_metainfo.models import Collection, TempEntityClass, Uri
from apis_core.apis_vocabularies.models import (
from apis_core.helper_functions import EntityRelationFieldGenerator

BASE_URI = getattr(settings, "APIS_BASE_URI", "")

[docs]class AbstractEntity(TempEntityClass): """ Abstract super class which encapsulates common logic between the different entity kinds and provides various methods relating to either all or a specific entity kind. Most of the class methods are designed to be used in the sublcass as they are considering contexts which depend on the subclass entity type. So they are to be understood in that dynamic context. """ # Placeholder for list filter classes attached to each entity later list_filter_class = None class Meta: abstract = True def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.__class__.create_relation_methods_from_manytomany_fields() # Methods dealing with individual data retrievals of instances #################################################################################################################### def __str__(self): if self.__class__ == Person: def valid(name): return name != "" and name is not None if valid(self.first_name) and valid( return "{}, {}".format(, self.first_name) elif valid(self.first_name) and not valid( return "{}, {}".format("no surename provided", self.first_name) elif not valid(self.first_name) and valid( return elif not valid(self.first_name) and not valid( return "no name provided" else: if != "": return else: return "no name provided" @classmethod def get_or_create_uri(cls, uri): uri = str(uri) try: if re.match(r"^[0-9]*$", uri): p = cls.objects.get(pk=uri) else: p = cls.objects.get(uri__uri=uri) return p except: print("Found no object corresponding to given uri.") return False @classmethod def set_list_filter_class(cls, list_filter_class): cls.list_filter_class = list_filter_class # Various Methods enabling convenient shortcuts between entities, relations, fields, etc ####################################################################################################################
[docs] @classmethod def create_relation_methods_from_manytomany_fields(cls): """ Creates methods on an entity class with which other related entities can be called without the need to consider potential self-references (the A and B sides therein). The resulting methods follow the syntax: <entity>.get_related_<entity>_instances() e.g. for Person: person.get_related_work_instances() or person.get_related_person_instances() Note that with these methods it is not necessary to differentiate between A and B entities when self-relations exist. The result of any such method call is the queryset of the related entities. (And not a ManyToManyManager as is the case when calling <entity>.<entity>_set where in the case of self-relation it must be differentiated between A and B entities, e.g. person.personA_set ) It was not possible to my understanding to change managers in such a way that two (the A and the B) could be combined into one manager. Hence these additional shortcut methods. :return: None """ def create_function_from_manytomany_field_to_other_entity( entity_manytomany_field, ): """ creates the individual method from a ManyToMany field by calling the manager's objects.all() This method creation has to be done here in a separate method, so that it can be called once before assignment as otherwise the variable 'entity_name' in the loop below changes with each iteration and with that also the method references (due to python's "late binding"). A method call in between thus forces the content of 'entity_name' to be assigned for good to the respective class ( = forced early binding). For more details on this: :param entity_manytomany_field: the ManyToManyManager to another model :return: method which will call the managers's objects.all() method """ return lambda self: getattr(self, entity_manytomany_field).all().distinct() def create_function_from_manytomany_field_to_self_entity( entityA_manytomany_field, entityB_manytomany_field ): """ Same method as above, but with two managers instead of one for the case of self-relations. Both managers' objects.all() methods are called and their queryset results are unionised for the shortcut method of an entity to its own related entities. :param entityA_manytomany_field: ManyToManyManager to entity A in a self-relation :param entityB_manytomany_field: ManyToManyManager to entity A in a self-relation :return: method to call both and return the distinct union of them """ return lambda self: ( getattr(self, entityA_manytomany_field) .all() .union(getattr(self, entityB_manytomany_field).all()) ).distinct() for entity_name in cls.get_all_entity_names(): # Iterate over each entity defined within this models' module related_entity_function_name = "get_related_" + entity_name + "_instances" if not hasattr(cls, related_entity_function_name): if cls.__name__.lower() == entity_name: # If the related entity is the same as this current one, then set the names of the related functions # to A and B and also combine them into one function where both A and B are returned. related_entityA_function_name = ( "get_related_" + entity_name + "A_instances" ) related_entityB_function_name = ( "get_related_" + entity_name + "B_instances" ) entityA_manytomany_field = entity_name + "A_set" entityB_manytomany_field = entity_name + "B_set" setattr( cls, related_entityA_function_name, create_function_from_manytomany_field_to_other_entity( entityA_manytomany_field ), ) setattr( cls, related_entityB_function_name, create_function_from_manytomany_field_to_other_entity( entityB_manytomany_field ), ) setattr( cls, related_entity_function_name, create_function_from_manytomany_field_to_self_entity( entityA_manytomany_field, entityB_manytomany_field ), ) else: # If the related entity is a different one, then just build on the usual names entity_manytomany_field = entity_name + "_set" setattr( cls, related_entity_function_name, create_function_from_manytomany_field_to_other_entity( entity_manytomany_field ), )
# Methods dealing with all entities #################################################################################################################### _all_entity_classes = None _all_entity_names = None
[docs] @classmethod def get_all_entity_classes(cls): """ :return: list of all python classes of the entities defined within this models' module """ if cls._all_entity_classes == None: entity_classes = [] entity_names = [] for entity_name, entity_class in inspect.getmembers( sys.modules[__name__], inspect.isclass ): if ( entity_class.__module__ == "apis_core.apis_entities.models" and entity_name != "ent_class" and entity_name != "AbstractEntity" ): entity_classes.append(entity_class) entity_names.append(entity_name.lower()) cls._all_entity_classes = entity_classes cls._all_entity_names = entity_names return cls._all_entity_classes
[docs] @classmethod def get_entity_class_of_name(cls, entity_name): """ :param entity_name: str : The name of an entity :return: The model class of the entity respective to the given name """ for entity_class in cls.get_all_entity_classes(): if entity_class.__name__.lower() == entity_name.lower(): return entity_class raise Exception("Could not find entity class of name:", entity_name)
[docs] @classmethod def get_all_entity_names(cls): """ :return: list of all class names in lower case of the entities defined within this models' module """ if cls._all_entity_names == None: cls.get_all_entity_classes() return cls._all_entity_names
# Methods dealing with related entities #################################################################################################################### _related_entity_field_names = None # Methods dealing with related relations #################################################################################################################### # Methods dealing with related relationtypes #################################################################################################################### _related_relationtype_classes = None _related_relationtype_field_names = None _related_relationtype_names = None
[docs]@reversion.register(follow=["tempentityclass_ptr"]) class Person(AbstractEntity): GENDER_CHOICES = ( ("female", "female"), ("male", "male"), ("third gender", "third gender"), ) first_name = models.CharField( max_length=255, help_text="The persons´s forename. In case of more then one name...", blank=True, null=True, ) profession = models.ManyToManyField(ProfessionType, blank=True) title = models.ManyToManyField(Title, blank=True) gender = models.CharField( max_length=15, choices=GENDER_CHOICES, blank=True, null=True )
[docs] def save(self, *args, **kwargs): if self.first_name: # secure correct unicode encoding if self.first_name != unicodedata.normalize("NFC", self.first_name): self.first_name = unicodedata.normalize("NFC", self.first_name) super(Person, self).save(*args, **kwargs) return self
[docs]@reversion.register(follow=["tempentityclass_ptr"]) class Place(AbstractEntity): kind = models.ForeignKey( PlaceType, blank=True, null=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL ) lat = models.FloatField(blank=True, null=True, verbose_name="latitude") lng = models.FloatField(blank=True, null=True, verbose_name="longitude")
[docs] def save(self, *args, **kwargs): if isinstance(, float) and isinstance(self.lng, float): self.status = "distinct" super(Place, self).save(*args, **kwargs) return self
[docs]@reversion.register(follow=["tempentityclass_ptr"]) class Institution(AbstractEntity): kind = models.ForeignKey( InstitutionType, blank=True, null=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL )
[docs]@reversion.register(follow=["tempentityclass_ptr"]) class Event(AbstractEntity): kind = models.ForeignKey( EventType, blank=True, null=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL )
[docs]@reversion.register(follow=["tempentityclass_ptr"]) class Work(AbstractEntity): kind = models.ForeignKey(WorkType, blank=True, null=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL)
a_ents = getattr(settings, "APIS_ADDITIONAL_ENTITIES", False) def prepare_fields_dict(fields_list, vocabs, vocabs_m2m): res = dict() for f in fields_list: res[f["name"]] = getattr(models, f["field_type"])(**f["attributes"]) for v in vocabs: res[v] = models.ForeignKey( f"apis_vocabularies.{v}", blank=True, null=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL ) for v2 in vocabs_m2m: res[v2] = models.ManyToManyField(f"apis_vocabularies.{v2}", blank=True) return res ents_cls_list = [] if a_ents: with open(a_ents, "r") as ents_file: ents = yaml.load(ents_file, Loader=yaml.CLoader) print(ents) for ent in ents["entities"]: attributes = prepare_fields_dict( ent["fields"], ent.get("vocabs", []), ent.get("vocabs_m2m", []) ) attributes["__module__"] = __name__ ent_class = type(ent["name"], (AbstractEntity,), attributes) globals()[ent["name"]] = ent_class ents_cls_list.append(ent_class) reversion.register(ent_class, follow=["tempentityclass_ptr"]) @receiver(post_save, dispatch_uid="create_default_uri") def create_default_uri(sender, instance, **kwargs): if kwargs["created"] and sender in [Person, Institution, Place, Work, Event] + ents_cls_list: if BASE_URI.endswith("/"): base1 = BASE_URI[:-1] else: base1 = BASE_URI uri_c = "{}{}".format( base1, reverse("GetEntityGenericRoot", kwargs={"pk":}), ) uri2 = Uri(uri=uri_c, domain="apis default", entity=instance) lst_entities_complete = [ globals()[x] for x in globals() if isinstance(globals()[x], models.base.ModelBase) and globals()[x].__module__ == "apis_core.apis_entities.models" and x != "AbstractEntity" and globals()[x] ] lst_entities_complete = list(dict.fromkeys(lst_entities_complete)) perm_change_senders = [ getattr(getattr(x, "collection"), "through") for x in lst_entities_complete ] # TODO: Inspect. This list here will contain only duplicates if `lst_entities_complete` contains all entities @receiver( m2m_changed, dispatch_uid="create_object_permissions", ) def create_object_permissions(sender, instance, **kwargs): if kwargs["action"] == "pre_add" and sender in perm_change_senders: perms = [] for j in kwargs["model"].objects.filter(pk__in=kwargs["pk_set"]): perms.extend(j.groups_allowed.all()) for x in perms: assign_perm("change_" + instance.__class__.__name__.lower(), x, instance) assign_perm("delete_" + instance.__class__.__name__.lower(), x, instance) elif kwargs["action"] == "post_remove" and sender in perm_change_senders: perms = [] perms_keep = [] for j in kwargs["model"].objects.filter(pk__in=kwargs["pk_set"]): perms.extend(j.groups_allowed.all()) for u in instance.collection.all(): perms_keep.extend(u.groups_allowed.all()) rm_perms = set(perms) - set(perms_keep) for x in rm_perms: remove_perm("change_" + instance.__class__.__name__.lower(), x, instance) remove_perm("delete_" + instance.__class__.__name__.lower(), x, instance) @receiver( m2m_changed, sender=Collection.groups_allowed.through, dispatch_uid="add_usergroup_collection", ) def add_usergroup_collection(sender, instance, **kwargs): if kwargs["action"] == "pre_add": for x in kwargs["model"].objects.filter(pk__in=kwargs["pk_set"]): for z in ["change", "delete"]: for y in [Person, Institution, Place, Event, Work]: assign_perm( z + "_" + y.__name__.lower(), x, y.objects.filter(collection=instance), ) if "registration" in getattr(settings, "INSTALLED_APPS", []): from registration.backends.simple.views import RegistrationView from registration.signals import user_registered @receiver( user_registered, sender=RegistrationView, dispatch_uid="add_registered_user_to_group", ) def add_user_to_group(sender, user, request, **kwargs): user_group = getattr(settings, "APIS_AUTO_USERGROUP", None) if user_group is not None: user.groups.add(Group.objects.get(name=user_group)) # Call the field generation function here, after all relevant entity classes have been defined above EntityRelationFieldGenerator.generate_all_fields()