Source code for apis_core.apis_relations.models

import inspect
import sys
import yaml

# from reversion import revisions as reversion
import reversion
from crum import get_current_request
from django.conf import settings
from django.db import models
from django.db.models import Q

from apis_core.apis_entities.models import Person
from apis_core.apis_metainfo.models import TempEntityClass

# Custom Managers

def find_if_user_accepted():
    request = get_current_request()
    if request is not None:
        print('running through request')
        if request.user.is_authenticated:
            return {}
            return {'published': True}
        return {}

[docs]class RelationPublishedQueryset(models.QuerySet): def filter_for_user(self, *args, **kwargs): if getattr(settings, "APIS_SHOW_ONLY_PUBLISHED", False): request = get_current_request() if request is not None: if request.user.is_authenticated: return self else: return self.filter(published=True) else: return self.filter(published=True) else: return self
[docs] def filter_ann_proj(self, request=None, ann_proj=1, include_all=True): """The filter function provided by the manager class. :param request: `django.request` object :return: queryset that contains only objects that are shown in the highlighted text or those not connected to an annotation at all. """ qs = self users_show = None if request: ann_proj = request.session.get('annotation_project', False) if not ann_proj: return qs users_show = request.session.get('users_show_highlighter', None) query = Q(annotation_set__annotation_project_id=ann_proj) if users_show is not None: query.add(Q(annotation_set__user_added_id__in=users_show), Q.AND) if include_all: query.add(Q(annotation_set__annotation_project__isnull=True), Q.OR) return qs.filter(query)
class BaseRelationManager(models.Manager): def get_queryset(self): return RelationPublishedQueryset(self.model, using=self._db) def filter_ann_proj(self, request=None, ann_proj=1, include_all=True): return self.get_queryset().filter_ann_proj(request=request, ann_proj=ann_proj, include_all=include_all) def filter_for_user(self): if hasattr(settings, "APIS_SHOW_ONLY_PUBLISHED") or "apis_highlighter" in getattr(settings, "INSTALLED_APPS"): return self.get_queryset().filter_for_user() else: return self.get_queryset() ####################################################################### # # AbstractRelation # #######################################################################
[docs]class AbstractRelation(TempEntityClass): """ Abstract super class which encapsulates common logic between the different relations and provides various methods relating to either all or specific relations. """ objects = BaseRelationManager() #annotation_links = AnnotationRelationLinkManager() class Meta: abstract = True default_manager_name = 'objects' # Methods dealing with individual data retrievals of instances #################################################################################################################### def __str__(self): return "{} ({}) {}".format(self.get_related_entity_instanceA(), self.relation_type, self.get_related_entity_instanceB()) def get_web_object(self): nameA = self.get_related_entity_instanceA().name nameB = self.get_related_entity_instanceB().name if self.get_related_entity_classA() == Person: nameA += ", " if self.get_related_entity_instanceA().first_name is None: nameA += "-" else: nameA += self.get_related_entity_instanceA().first_name if self.get_related_entity_classB() == Person: nameB += ", " if self.get_related_entity_instanceB().first_name is None: nameB += "-" else: nameB += self.get_related_entity_instanceB().first_name result = { 'relation_pk':, 'relation_type':, self.get_related_entity_field_nameA(): nameA, self.get_related_entity_field_nameB(): nameB, 'start_date': self.start_date_written, 'end_date': self.end_date_written} return result
[docs] def get_table_dict(self, entity): """Dict for the tabels in the html view :param entity: Object of type :class:`entities.models.Place`; Used to determine which Place is the main antity and which one the related. :return: """ if self.get_related_entity_instanceA() == entity: rel_other_key = self.get_related_entity_field_nameB()[:-1] rel_other_value = self.get_related_entity_instanceB() rel_type = self.relation_type.label elif self.get_related_entity_instanceB() == entity: rel_other_key = self.get_related_entity_field_nameA()[:-1] rel_other_value = self.get_related_entity_instanceA() rel_type = self.relation_type.label_reverse else: raise Exception("Did not find corresponding entity. Wiring of current relation to current entity is faulty.") result = { 'relation_pk':, 'relation_type': rel_type, rel_other_key: rel_other_value, 'start_date_written': self.start_date_written, 'end_date_written': self.end_date_written, 'start_date': self.start_date, 'end_date': self.end_date} return result
# Various Methods enabling convenient shortcuts between entities, relations, fields, etc #################################################################################################################### # Methods dealing with all relations #################################################################################################################### _all_relation_classes = None _all_relation_names = None
[docs] @classmethod def get_all_relation_classes(cls): """ Instantiates both lists: '_all_relation_classes' and '_all_relation_names' :return: list of all python classes of the relations defined within this models' module """ # check if not yet instantiated if cls._all_relation_classes == None: # if not, then instantiate the private lists relation_classes = [] relation_names = [] # using python's reflective logic, the following loop iterates over all classes of this current module. for relation_name, relation_class in inspect.getmembers( sys.modules[__name__], inspect.isclass): print('inspecting classes') # check for python classes not to be used. if \ relation_class.__module__ == "apis_core.apis_relations.models" and \ relation_class.__name__ != "AnnotationRelationLinkManager" and \ relation_class.__name__ != "BaseRelationManager" and \ relation_class.__name__ != "RelationPublishedQueryset" and \ relation_class.__name__ != "AbstractRelation" and \ relation_name != "ent_class": relation_classes.append(relation_class) relation_names.append(relation_name.lower()) cls._all_relation_classes = relation_classes cls._all_relation_names = relation_names return cls._all_relation_classes
[docs] @classmethod def get_relation_class_of_name(cls, relation_name): """ :param entity_name: str : The name of an relation :return: The model class of the relation respective to the given name """ for relation_class in cls.get_all_relation_classes(): if relation_class.__name__.lower() == relation_name.lower(): return relation_class raise Exception("Could not find relation class of name:", relation_name)
[docs] @classmethod def get_all_relation_names(cls): """ :return: list of all class names in lower case of the relations defined within this models' module """ if cls._all_relation_classes == None: # The instantion logic of relation_names list is coupled to the instantiation logic of the relation_classes # list done in the method 'get_all_relation_classes'; hence just calling that is sufficient. cls.get_all_relation_classes() return cls._all_relation_names
# Methods dealing with related relations and entities #################################################################################################################### _relation_classes_of_entity_class = {} _relation_classes_of_entity_name = {} _relation_field_names_of_entity_class = {}
[docs] @classmethod def get_relation_classes_of_entity_class(cls, entity_class): """ :param entity_class : class of an entity for which the related relations should be returned :return: a list of relation classes that are related to the entity class E.g. AbstractRelation.get_relation_classes_of_entity_class( Person ) -> [ PersonEvent, PersonInstitution, PersonPerson, PersonPlace, PersonWork ] """ return cls._relation_classes_of_entity_class[entity_class]
[docs] @classmethod def get_relation_classes_of_entity_name(cls, entity_name): """ :param entity_name : class name of an entity for which the related relations should be returned :return: a list of relation classes that are related to the entity class E.g. AbstractRelation.get_relation_classes_of_entity_class( 'person' ) -> [ PersonEvent, PersonInstitution, PersonPerson, PersonPlace, PersonWork ] """ return cls._relation_classes_of_entity_name[entity_name.lower()]
[docs] @classmethod def add_relation_class_of_entity_class(cls, entity_class): """ Adds the given entity class to a list which is later retrieved via a dictionary, where the entity class and entity class name define the key and the list of related relation classes as their values. :param entity_class: the class for which the related relation (the current cls) will be saved into a respective list. :return: None """ # get the list of the class dictionary, create if not yet exists. relation_class_list = cls._relation_classes_of_entity_class.get(entity_class, []) # append the current relation class to the list. relation_class_list.append(cls) # save into the dictionary, which uses the entity class as key and the extended list above as value. cls._relation_classes_of_entity_class[entity_class] = relation_class_list cls._relation_classes_of_entity_name[entity_class.__name__.lower()] = relation_class_list
[docs] @classmethod def get_relation_field_names_of_entity_class(cls, entity_class): """ :param entity_class : class of an entity for which the related relation class field names should be returned :return: a list of relation class field names that are related to the entity class E.g. AbstractRelation.get_relation_names_of_entity_class( Person ) -> [ personevent_set, personinstitution_set, related_personA, related_personB, personplace_set, personwork_set ] """ return cls._relation_field_names_of_entity_class[entity_class]
[docs] @classmethod def add_relation_field_name_of_entity_class(cls, relation_name, entity_class): """ Adds the given entity class to a list which is later retrieved via a dictionary, where the entity class defines the key and the list of related relation classes as its values. :param entity_class: the class for which the related relation (the current cls) will be saved into a respective list. :return: None """ # get the list of the class dictionary, create if not yet exists. relation_names_list = cls._relation_field_names_of_entity_class.get(entity_class, []) # append the current relation field name to the list. if relation_name not in relation_names_list: relation_names_list.append(relation_name) #TODO: this is a workaround, find out why it is called several times # save into the dictionary, which uses the entity class as key and the extended list above as value. cls._relation_field_names_of_entity_class[entity_class] = relation_names_list
# method stumps #################################################################################################################### # These stumps merely serve as placeholders so that both IDE and developers know that these methods exist. # They are implemented programmatically in the function 'generate_all_fields' in the class 'EntityRelationFieldGenerator'.
####################################################################### # # Person - ... - Relation # #######################################################################
[docs]@reversion.register(follow=['tempentityclass_ptr']) class PersonPerson(AbstractRelation): pass
[docs]@reversion.register(follow=['tempentityclass_ptr']) class PersonPlace(AbstractRelation): pass
[docs]@reversion.register(follow=['tempentityclass_ptr']) class PersonInstitution(AbstractRelation): pass
[docs]@reversion.register(follow=['tempentityclass_ptr']) class PersonEvent(AbstractRelation): pass
[docs]@reversion.register(follow=['tempentityclass_ptr']) class PersonWork(AbstractRelation): pass
####################################################################### # # Institution - ... - Relation # #######################################################################
[docs]@reversion.register(follow=['tempentityclass_ptr']) class InstitutionInstitution(AbstractRelation): pass
[docs]@reversion.register(follow=['tempentityclass_ptr']) class InstitutionPlace(AbstractRelation): pass
[docs]@reversion.register(follow=['tempentityclass_ptr']) class InstitutionEvent(AbstractRelation): pass
[docs]@reversion.register(follow=['tempentityclass_ptr']) class InstitutionWork(AbstractRelation): pass
####################################################################### # # Place - ... - Relation # #######################################################################
[docs]@reversion.register(follow=['tempentityclass_ptr']) class PlacePlace(AbstractRelation): pass
[docs]@reversion.register(follow=['tempentityclass_ptr']) class PlaceEvent(AbstractRelation): pass
[docs]@reversion.register(follow=['tempentityclass_ptr']) class PlaceWork(AbstractRelation): pass
####################################################################### # # Event - ... - Relation # #######################################################################
[docs]@reversion.register(follow=['tempentityclass_ptr']) class EventEvent(AbstractRelation): pass
[docs]@reversion.register(follow=['tempentityclass_ptr']) class EventWork(AbstractRelation): pass
####################################################################### # # Work - ... - Relation # #######################################################################
[docs]@reversion.register(follow=['tempentityclass_ptr']) class WorkWork(AbstractRelation): pass
a_ents = getattr(settings, 'APIS_ADDITIONAL_ENTITIES', False) if a_ents: with open(a_ents, 'r') as ents_file: ents = yaml.load(ents_file, Loader=yaml.CLoader) print(ents) for ent in ents['entities']: rels = ent.get("relations", []) base_ents = ['Person', 'Institution', 'Place', 'Work', 'Event'] if isinstance(rels, str): if rels == 'all': rels = base_ents + [x['name'].title() for x in ents['entities']] else: rels = base_ents + rels for r2 in rels: attributes = {"__module__":__name__} if r2 in base_ents: rel_class_name = f"{r2.title()}{ent['name'].title()}" else: rel_class_name = f"{ent['name'].title()}{r2.title()}" if rel_class_name not in globals().keys(): print(rel_class_name) ent_class = type(rel_class_name, (AbstractRelation,), attributes) globals()[rel_class_name] = ent_class