
class apis_core.helper_functions.RDFParser.RDFParser(uri, kind, app_label_entities='apis_entities', app_label_relations='apis_relations', app_label_vocabularies='apis_vocabularies', rdf_settings='/workspace/apis-core/apis_core/helper_functions/../default_settings/RDF_default_settings.yml', uri_settings='/workspace/apis-core/apis_core/helper_functions/../default_settings/URI_replace_settings.yml', preserve_uri_minutes=5, use_preferred=False, uri_check=True, **kwargs)[source]
  • uri – (url) Uri to parse the object from (http://test.at). The uri must start with a base url mentioned in the RDF parser settings file.

  • kind – (string) Kind of entity (Person, Place, Institution, Work, Event)

  • app_label_entities – (string) Name of the Django app that contains the entities that we create.

  • app_label_relations – (string) Name of the Django app that contains the relations for the merging process.

  • app_label_vocabularies – (string) Name of the Django app that contains the vocabularies defining the entities and relations.

  • use_preferred – (boolean) if True forwards to preferred sources defined in sameAs


Uses parsed attributes to create an object that is not yet persisted to the db. Stores the object in self.objct :param depth: (int) depth to follow


Gets or creates object with given URI and entity type. :param depth: (int) depth of related objects to be followed :return: (object) created object

merge(m_obj, app_label_relations='apis_relations')[source]
  • m_obj – the object to merge into (must be an django model object instance)

  • app_label_relations – (string) the label of the Django app that contains the relations


django object saved to db or False if nothing was saved


Saves specified object to DB if it doesnt exist yet :return: django object saved to db or False if nothing was saved