
in package

Stores the repository search configuration, e.g. full text search options and pagination options.



Table of Contents




$class  : string|null
An optional class of the for the objects returned as the search results (to be used by extension libraries).
$count  : int|null
Total number of resources matching the search (despite limit/offset)
$ftsFragmentDelimiter  : string|array<string|int, string>
Full text search highlighting options see -
$ftsHighlightAll  : bool|array<string|int, bool>
Full text search highlighting options see -
$ftsMaxFragments  : int|array<string|int, int>
Full text search highlighting options see -
$ftsMaxWords  : int|array<string|int, int>
Full text search highlighting options see -
$ftsMinWords  : int|array<string|int, int>
Full text search highlighting options see -
$ftsProperty  : array<string|int, string|array<string|int, string>>
Limits highlighting to indicated properties.
$ftsQuery  : string|array<string|int, string>
A full text search query used for search results highlighting.
$ftsShortWord  : int|array<string|int, int>
Full text search highlighting options see -
$ftsStartSel  : string|array<string|int, string>
Full text search highlighting options see -
$ftsStopSel  : string|array<string|int, string>
Full text search highlighting options see -
$limit  : int|null
Maximum number of returned resources (only resources matched by the search are counted - see `$metadataMode`).
$metadataMode  : string|null
Controls amount of metadata included in the search results.
$metadataParentProperty  : string|null
RDF predicate used by some of metadataModes.
$offset  : int|null
Offset of the first returned result.
$orderBy  : array<string|int, string>
List of metadata properties to order results by.
$orderByCollation  : string|null
If specified, determines the collation used for ordering the search results.
$orderByLang  : string|null
If specified, only property values with a given language are taken into account for ordering search matches.
$relativesProperties  : array<string|int, string>
List of metadata properties to fetch for relative-according-to-metadata-read-mode resources.
$resourceProperties  : array<string|int, string>
List of metadata properties to fetch for the resource.
$skipArtificialProperties  : bool
Should artificially generated search properties denoting search match, ordering, FTS highlighting, etc. be skipped or included.
$highlightParam  : array<string|int, string>


factory()  : SearchConfig
Creates an instance of the SearchConfig class from the POST data or given array.
getHeaders()  : array<string|int, string>
Returns HTTP request headers setting metadata read mode and metadata parent property according to the search config settings.
getSanitizedCopy()  : self
Returns an object with all fts properties being arrays of the same count as the $ftsQuery property. Also, all $ftsProperty value is assured to be an array.
getTsHeadlineOptions()  : string
readFtsConfigFromTerms()  : void
Fills up $ftsQuery and $ftsProperty property values based on the supported SearchTerm list.
toArray()  : array<string|int, mixed>
toQuery()  : string




An optional class of the for the objects returned as the search results (to be used by extension libraries).

public string|null $class = null


Total number of resources matching the search (despite limit/offset)

public int|null $count = null

Set by RepoInterface::getGraphBy*() and RepoInterface::getResourceBy*() methods.


Full text search highlighting options see -

public string|array<string|int, string> $ftsFragmentDelimiter = []

If single value is used, it is applied to all FTS queries. If array is used, it has to have same length as the $ftsQuery and values are applied to corresponding queries.


Full text search highlighting options see -

public bool|array<string|int, bool> $ftsHighlightAll = []

If single value is used, it is applied to all FTS queries. If array is used, it has to have same length as the $ftsQuery and values are applied to corresponding queries.


Full text search highlighting options see -

public int|array<string|int, int> $ftsMaxFragments = []

If single value is used, it is applied to all FTS queries. If array is used, it has to have same length as the $ftsQuery and values are applied to corresponding queries.


Full text search highlighting options see -

public int|array<string|int, int> $ftsMaxWords = []

If single value is used, it is applied to all FTS queries. If array is used, it has to have same length as the $ftsQuery and values are applied to corresponding queries.


Full text search highlighting options see -

public int|array<string|int, int> $ftsMinWords = []

If single value is used, it is applied to all FTS queries. If array is used, it has to have same length as the $ftsQuery and values are applied to corresponding queries.


Limits highlighting to indicated properties.

public array<string|int, string|array<string|int, string>> $ftsProperty = []

If single value is used, it is applied to all FTS queries. If array is used, it has to have same length as the $ftsQuery and values are applied to corresponding queries.

A value can be either a string or an array of string (meaning any of given properties).

Use SearchConfig::FTS_BINARY to indicate binary content.


A full text search query used for search results highlighting.

public string|array<string|int, string> $ftsQuery = []

See and the websearch_to_tsquery() function documentation.


Full text search highlighting options see -

public int|array<string|int, int> $ftsShortWord = []

If single value is used, it is applied to all FTS queries. If array is used, it has to have same length as the $ftsQuery and values are applied to corresponding queries.


Full text search highlighting options see -

public string|array<string|int, string> $ftsStartSel = []

If single value is used, it is applied to all FTS queries. If array is used, it has to have same length as the $ftsQuery and values are applied to corresponding queries.


Full text search highlighting options see -

public string|array<string|int, string> $ftsStopSel = []

If single value is used, it is applied to all FTS queries. If array is used, it has to have same length as the $ftsQuery and values are applied to corresponding queries.


Maximum number of returned resources (only resources matched by the search are counted - see `$metadataMode`).

public int|null $limit = null


RDF predicate used by some of metadataModes.

public string|null $metadataParentProperty = null


Offset of the first returned result.

public int|null $offset = null

Remember your search results must be ordered if you want get stable results.


List of metadata properties to order results by.

public array<string|int, string> $orderBy = []

Only literal values are used for ordering.


If specified, determines the collation used for ordering the search results.

public string|null $orderByCollation = null

The collation must be available for the underlying database.


If specified, only property values with a given language are taken into account for ordering search matches.

public string|null $orderByLang = null


List of metadata properties to fetch for relative-according-to-metadata-read-mode resources.

public array<string|int, string> $relativesProperties = []

If empty, all properties are fetched.


List of metadata properties to fetch for the resource.

public array<string|int, string> $resourceProperties = []

If empty, all properties are fetched.

Doesn't affect technical properties generated by the search.


Should artificially generated search properties denoting search match, ordering, FTS highlighting, etc. be skipped or included.

public bool $skipArtificialProperties = false


private static array<string|int, string> $highlightParam = ['StartSel', 'StopSel', 'MaxWords', 'MinWords', 'ShortWord', 'HighlightAll', 'MaxFragments', 'FragmentDelimiter']



Creates an instance of the SearchConfig class from the POST data or given array.

public static factory([array<string, string> $src = null ]) : SearchConfig
$src : array<string, string> = null

source array. If not provided, $_POST is used instead.

Return values


Returns HTTP request headers setting metadata read mode and metadata parent property according to the search config settings.

public getHeaders(Repo $repo) : array<string|int, string>
$repo : Repo
Return values
array<string|int, string>


Returns an object with all fts properties being arrays of the same count as the $ftsQuery property. Also, all $ftsProperty value is assured to be an array.

public getSanitizedCopy() : self
Return values


public getTsHeadlineOptions([int $offset = 0 ]) : string
$offset : int = 0
Return values


Fills up $ftsQuery and $ftsProperty property values based on the supported SearchTerm list.

public readFtsConfigFromTerms(array<string|int, SearchTerm$terms) : void
$terms : array<string|int, SearchTerm>


public toArray() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


public toQuery() : string
Return values

On this page

Search results