Table of Contents
- data
- deleted
- metadata
- search
- set
- Cache
- Implements simple caching
- Oai
- Implements controller for the OAI-PMH service:
- checks OAI-PMH requests correctness,
- handles OAI-PMH `identify` and `ListMetadataFormats` commands
- delegates OAI-PMH `GetRecord`, `ListIdentifiers` and `ListRecords` commands
to a chosen class implementing the `acdhOeaw\arche\oaipmh\search\SearchInterface`
- delegates OAI-PMH `ListSets` command to a chosen class extending the
`acdhOeaw\arche\oaipmh\set\SetInterface` class.
- OaiException
- Simple specialized exception class to easy distinguish between OAI-PMH and
internal exceptions.