Table of Contents
- SpatialInterface
- AuthInterface
- Interface for metadata access authorization.
- RepoInterface
- RepoResourceInterface
- ParameterInterface
- ServiceInterface
- iTransformation
- An interface for dissemination services parameters transformation
- RepoResourceInterface
- MetaLookupInterface
- It is a common problem to couple binary data with their metadata.
- DeletedInterface
- Interface for OAI-PMH deleted records implementations.
- MetadataInterface
- Interface for different metadata providers.
- SearchInterface
- Interface for classes implementing OAI-PMH resources search.
- SetInterface
- Interface for OAI-PMH sets implementations.
- NamedEntityInterface
- NamedEntityIteratorInterface
- HandlerInterface
- Description of FormatInterface
- ResourceInterface
- ArcheFileFormats
- UriNormRules
- Resource
- Maps ARCHE resource metadata to a BibLaTeX bibliographic entry.
- Auth
- Description of Auth
- BadRequestException
- Description of RepoException
- BinaryPayload
- Represents a request binary payload.
- ConflictException
- Description of RepoException
- Describe
- Handles the /desribe endpoint
- DuplicatedKeyException
- Description of RepoException
- MetadataManager
- Description of MetadataManager
- HandlersController
- Description of CallbackController
- Metadata
- Manages resources's metadata (loads from database or HTTP request, writes into
the database, serializes to RDF, etc.).
- MetadataGui
- Provides simple HTML serialization of a metadata triples set
- MetadataReadOnly
- Specialized version of the Metadata class.
- NoBinaryException
- Exception thrown by the BinaryPayload class when a resource has no binary
- RepoException
- Description of RepoException
- Resource
- Description of Resource
- RestController
- Description of RestController
- Search
- Description of Search
- Transaction
- Description of Transaction
- TransactionController
- Description of TransactionController
- UserApi
- Implements the REST API users management API
- OutputFile
- Outputs a file to a client optionally honoring the requested ranges.
- Schema
- Container for rdfInterface schema objects
- Spatial
- Provides SQL code for extracting geometries from various spatial formats
(geoJSON, KML, GML, raster images)
- Triple
- Description of Triple
- TriplesIterator
- rdfInterface\QuadIteratorInterface wrapper for metadata_view table rows.
- DashboardController
- DashboardHelper
- Description of DashboardHelper
- DisseminationServiceHelper
- Description of DisseminationServiceHelper
- DashboardModel
- Description of DashboardModel
- CacheFile
- DisseminationService
- Description of DisseminationService
- ArcheDashboardPathProcessor
- CheckAttribute
- Attribute used to mark check methods
- DoorkeeperException
- Description of DoorkeeperException
- PostCheckAttribute
- Attribute used to mark post-check methods
- PreCheckAttribute
- Attribute used to mark pre-check methods
(ones which sanitize metadata before checks)
- Resource
- Description of Doorkeeper
- Transaction
- ClarinException
- Description of ClarinException
- Endpoint
- Description of Endpoint
- FcsException
- Description of FcsException
- SruException
- Description of SruException
- SruParameters
- A container for SRU parameters
- SruResponse
- Description of SruResponse
- Parser
- OASIS-CQL Parser
- ParserException
- Description of ParserException
- Term
- Description of Term
- Token
- Description of Token
- BinaryPayload
- Simple container for a request binary payload.
- Config
- A container for the yaml configuration allowing to satisfy phpstan checks
by mocking config properties hierarchy.
- AmbiguousMatch
- Description of AmbiguousMatch
- Conflict
- Exception representing the HTTP 409 Conflict return code
- Deleted
- Exception representing the HTTP 410 Gone return code
- ExceptionUtil
- Utility class for unwrapping errors
- NotFound
- Exception representing the HTTP 404 Not Found return code
- RepoLibException
- Description of RepoLibException
- GraphPromise
- Description of GraphPromise
- RepoResourceGeneratorPromise
- Description of ResponsePromise
- RepoResourcePromise
- Description of Psr7ResponsePromise
- ResponsePromise
- Description of Psr7ResponsePromise
- Repo
- A repository connection class.
- RepoDb
- Provides a read only access to the repository on the relational database level.
- RepoResource
- Description of RepoResource
- RepoResourceDb
- Provides a read-only access to the repository resource's metadata.
- RepoResourceResolver
- Returns repository resource object having a given id.
- Schema
- An immutable container for RDF property mappings schema.
- SearchConfig
- Stores the repository search configuration, e.g. full text search options and pagination options.
- SearchTerm
- Describes a single search condition.
- SmartSearch
- Provides an API for advanced weighted
- TripleValue
- Simole container for an RDF triple value read from a database
- Format
- Container describing dissemination service return format.
- Parameter
- Represents a dissemination service parameter.
- ParameterDb
- Description of ParameterDb
- Service
- Represents a dissemination service.
- ServiceDb
- Description of ServiceDb
- AddParam
- Assuming value is an URL, adds a given query parameter value.
- Base64Encode
- Base64 encodes given value
- RawUrlEncode
- URL encodes given value
- RemoveProtocol
- URL encodes given value
- SetParam
- Assuming value is an URL, sets a given query parameter value.
- Substr
- Returns value's substring
- UriPart
- Assuming value is an URL extracts given parts of the URL.
- UrlEncode
- URL encodes given value
- RepoResource
- Description of RepoResource
- RepoResourceDb
- Description of RepoResourceDb
- File
- Description of File
- Indexer
- Ingests files into the repository
- IndexerException
- Exception used by the Indexer class, giving access to resources which were
commited when an error occured.
- MetadataCollection
- Class for importing whole metadata graph into the repository.
- MetaLookupConstant
- Returns a fixed set of metadata properties to every file.
- MetaLookupException
- Exception thrown when a resource metadata were not found in the external
- MetaLookupFile
- Implements metadata lookup by searching in a given metadata locations for
a file with an original file name with a given extension appended.
- MetaLookupGraph
- Searches for file metadata inside an RDF graph.
- SkippedException
- Exception used to denoted a file has been skipped to to Indexer class
skip rules.
- SkosVocabulary
- A specialization of the MetadataCollection class for ingesting SKOS
- FileId
- Utility class for converting file paths into repository resource identifiers.
- ProgressMeter
- Helper class for displaying progress meter
- Generates UUIDs
- BaseDesc
- Description of BaseDesc
- ClassDesc
- A container for and RDF class description
- Ontology
- Provides an API for the ARCHE oontology.
- PropertyDesc
- A container for an RDF property description
- RestrictionDesc
- A container for an OWL restriction description
- SkosConceptDesc
- Container class for a skos:Concept
- Cache
- Map cache.
- Map
- Represents a raster or vector map to be stored in a cache.
- Mapserver
- Description of Mapserver
- RemoteFileInfo
- Simple container for a remote map metadata.
- PropertyMapping
- Description of PropertyMapping
- WorksheetConfig
- Description of WorksheetConfig
- EntitiesDatabase
- Description of EntitiesDatabase
- EntityListWorksheet
- Description of EntityList
- MetadataChecker
- Description of MetadataChecker
- MetadataCrawler
- Description of DirectoryCrawler
- MetadataCrawlerException
- Description of MetadataCrawlerException
- MetadataHorizontal
- Description of MetadataHorizontal
- MetadataRdf
- Description of MetadataRdf
- MetadataVertical
- Description of MetadataVertical
- TemplateCreator
- Description of TemplateCreator
- Cache
- Implements simple caching
- HeaderData
- Container for data required to generate OAI-PMH resource's header.
- MetadataFormat
- Container for OAI-PMH metada format data (both properties used by the OAI-PMH
protocol and by this implementation).
- RepositoryInfo
- Container for OAI-PMH repository information
- ResumptionTokenData
- Description of ResumptionTokenData
- SetInfo
- Simple container for OAI-PMH set data
- No
- Implementation of the `acdhOeaw\arche\oaipmh\deleted\DeletedInterface`
for repositories not providing data on deleted resources.
- RdfProperty
- Implementation of the `acdhOeaw\arche\oaipmh\deleted\DeletedInterface` deriving
information on a resource deletion from existence of a given RDF triple
in the resource metadata.
- Tombstone
- Description of Tombstone
- CmdiMetadata
- Specialization of ResMetadata class checking if the CMDI schema matches
metadata format requested by the user.
- DcMetadata
- Creates OAI-PMH <metadata> element in Dublin Core format from an RDF metadata.
- RdfXml
- Creates OAI-PMH <metadata> element in as an RDF-XML serialization of
an RDF metadata.
- ResMetadata
- Creates <metadata> element by simply taking binary content of another
repository resource.
- TemplateMetadata
- Creates <metadata> element by filling in an XML template with values
read from the repository resource's metadata.
- ParseTreeNode
- Class used to model logical expressions parse tree.
- Value
- Description of Value
- ValueMapper
- Provides vocabulary mappings. Assumes a value is an URL which can be resolved
to the RDF. Then extracts given property values from the RDF.
- Oai
- Implements controller for the OAI-PMH service:
- checks OAI-PMH requests correctness,
- handles OAI-PMH `identify` and `ListMetadataFormats` commands
- delegates OAI-PMH `GetRecord`, `ListIdentifiers` and `ListRecords` commands
to a chosen class implementing the `acdhOeaw\arche\oaipmh\search\SearchInterface`
- delegates OAI-PMH `ListSets` command to a chosen class extending the
`acdhOeaw\arche\oaipmh\set\SetInterface` class.
- OaiException
- Simple specialized exception class to easy distinguish between OAI-PMH and
internal exceptions.
- BaseSearch
- Implements basic OAI-PMH search. It is assumed that all OAI-PMH search
facets (id, date, set) and data required to create <header> nodes (again id,
date, set) are accessible as repository resource's metadata RDF properties.
- Complex
- Provides full sets support.
- NoSets
- Implements proper reporting of repository without sets.
- Simple
- Provides very simple and straightforward implementation of sets.
- Query
- Description of Query
- Service
- Description of Service
- NamedEntityFile
- Description of RefResourceFile
- NamedEntityIteratorFile
- Description of NamedEntityIteratorFile
- NamedEntityIteratorRepo
- Description of NamedEntityIteratorRepo
- NamedEntityRepo
- Description of RefResourceRepo
- PropertyMapping
- Defines a single target ARCHE property mapping
- PropertyMappings
- Description of PropertyMappings
- RefSourcesException
- Description of RefSourcesException
- AccessRightsException
- Description of AccessRightsException
- Proxy
- Simple reverse proxy implementation for dissemination services.
- Resolver
- Resolves an URI being defined as an identifier of a repository object to
the proper dissemination method.
- Entity
- Description of Entity
- Metadata
- Description of Metadata
- Ontology
- Description of Ontology
- Property
- Description of Property
- RdfClass
- Description of Class
- Restriction
- Class checking ontology restrictions consistency.
- ClearCache
- Description of ClearCache
- FileToLargeException
- Description of FileToLargeException
- Fallback
- A fallback thumbnail handler creating a document-like icon filled with
the resource's mime type
- Image
- Creates thumbnails from image files by rescaling it to the desired resolution.
- Text
- Creates the resource thumbnail by plotting first few lines of a resource content.
- NoSuchFileException
- Description of NoSuchFile
- NoThumbnailException
- Description of NoThumbnailException
- Resource
- Description of Resource
- ResourceMeta
- Description of ResourceMeta
- ArcheBaseController
- Description of ArcheBaseController
- DisseminationController
- Description of MetadataController
- ImprintController
- Description of MetadataController
- MetadataController
- Description of MetadataController
- SmartSearchController
- Description of SearchViewController
- ArcheCoreHelper
- Description of ArcheCoreHelper Static Class
- ResourceCoreObject
- ThreeDObject
- Description of ThreeDObject
- ArcheGuiPathProcessor
- LangSwitcherBlock
- Provides a 'LangSwitcherBlock' block.
- SmartSearchBlock
- Provides a 'SmartSearchBlock' block.
- ArcheTwigDateExtension
- ComposerTwigExtension
- SessionTwigExtension
- SiteLanguageTwigExtension
- ApiController
- Description of ArcheBaseController
- ChildController
- Description of ArcheBaseController
- InverseDataController
- Description of ArcheBaseController
- MetadataController
- Description of ArcheBaseController
- OntologyController
- Description of ArcheBaseController
- SearchBlockController
- Description of SearchBlockController
- SmartSearchController
- Description of SmartSearchController
- VCRController
- Description of VCRController
- VersionsController
- Description of ArcheBaseController
- ApiHelper
- ArcheBreadcrumbHelper
- Description of ArcheHelper Static Class
- ArcheCoreHelper
- Description of ArcheHelper Static Class
- InverseTableHelper
- Description of InverseTableHelper Class
- RootTableHelper
- Description of RootTableHelper Class
- UriNormalizer
- A simply utility class normalizing the URIs
- UriNormalizerCache
- A PSR-16 compliant memory + (optional) sqlite database cache
for the UriNormalizer class.
- UriNormalizerException
- Description of UriNormalizerException
- UriNormalizerRule
- A container for a URI normalization rule
- UriNormalizerCacheTest
- Description of IndexerTest
- UriNormalizerRuleTest
- Description of IndexerTest
- UriNormalizerTest
- Description of IndexerTest
- DisseminationServiceTrait
- Description of DisseminationServiceInterface
- RunTestsTrait
- Description of RunTestsTrait
- PromiseTrait
- Description of PromiseTrait
- RepoResourceTrait
- A common boilet plate code to be reused by all RepoResourceInterface
- RepoTrait
- A common (mostly boiler plate) code for classes implementing the RepoInterface.
- ParameterTrait
- Description of ParameterTrait
- ServiceTrait
- Description of ServiceTrait
- RepoResourceTrait
- Description of RepoResourceTrait
- MetadataSpreadsheetTrait
- Description of MetadataSpreadsheetTrait
- NamedEntityTrait
- Description of NamedEntityTrait