Source code for apis_core.apis_entities.autocomplete3

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import json

from dal import autocomplete
from django import http
from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType

from apis_core.apis_entities.utils import get_entity_classes
from apis_core.apis_relations.models import Property

[docs] class PropertyAutocomplete(autocomplete.Select2ListView): # These constants are set so that they are defined in one place only and reused by fetching them elsewhere. SELF_SUBJ_OTHER_OBJ_STR = "self_subj_other_obj" SELF_OBJ_OTHER_SUBJ_STR = "self_obj_other_subj"
[docs] def get_autocomplete_property_choices(self, self_model, other_model, search_str): contenttypes = [ ContentType.objects.get_for_model(model) for model in get_entity_classes() ] self_contenttype = next( filter(lambda x: x.model == self_model.lower(), contenttypes) ) other_contenttype = next( filter(lambda x: x.model == other_model.lower(), contenttypes) ) rbc_self_subj_other_obj = Property.objects.filter( subj_class=self_contenttype, obj_class=other_contenttype, name_forward__icontains=search_str, ) rbc_self_obj_other_subj = Property.objects.filter( subj_class=other_contenttype, obj_class=self_contenttype, name_reverse__icontains=search_str, ) choices = [] for rbc in rbc_self_subj_other_obj: choices.append( { # misuse of the id item as explained above "id": f"id:{}__direction:{self.SELF_SUBJ_OTHER_OBJ_STR}", "text": rbc.name_forward, } ) for rbc in rbc_self_obj_other_subj: choices.append( { # misuse of the id item as explained above "id": f"id:{}__direction:{self.SELF_OBJ_OTHER_SUBJ_STR}", "text": rbc.name_reverse, } ) return choices
[docs] def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs): more = False choices = self.get_autocomplete_property_choices( kwargs["entity_self"], kwargs["entity_other"], self.q ) return http.HttpResponse( json.dumps( {"results": choices, "pagination": {"more": more}, "abcde": "0"} ), content_type="application/json", )