Source code for apis_core.apis_entities.models

import functools
import re

from django.conf import settings
from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
from django.db.models.query import QuerySet
from django.db.models.signals import post_save
from django.dispatch import receiver
from django.urls import NoReverseMatch, reverse

from apis_core.apis_entities import signals
from apis_core.apis_metainfo.models import RootObject, Uri
from apis_core.apis_relations.models import TempTriple

NEXT_PREV = getattr(settings, "APIS_NEXT_PREV", True)

[docs] class AbstractEntity(RootObject): """ Abstract super class which encapsulates common logic between the different entity kinds and provides various methods relating to either all or one specific entity kind. Most of the class methods are designed to be used in the subclass as they are considering contexts which depend on the subclass entity type. So they are to be understood in that dynamic context. """
[docs] class Meta: abstract = True
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def get_or_create_uri(cls, uri): uri = str(uri) try: if re.match(r"^[0-9]*$", uri): p = cls.objects.get(pk=uri) else: p = cls.objects.get(uri__uri=uri) return p except Exception as e: print("Found no object corresponding to given uri." + e) return False
[docs] @classmethod def get_entity_list_filter(cls): return None
[docs] def get_edit_url(self): """ We override the edit url, because entities have a custom view that includes the relations """ ct = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(self) return reverse( "apis_core:apis_entities:generic_entities_edit_view", args=[ct.model,], )
@functools.cached_property def get_prev_id(self): if NEXT_PREV: prev_instance = ( type(self) .objects.filter( .order_by("-id") .only("id") .first() ) if prev_instance is not None: return return False @functools.cached_property def get_next_id(self): if NEXT_PREV: next_instance = ( type(self) .objects.filter( .order_by("id") .only("id") .first() ) if next_instance is not None: return return False
[docs] def get_duplicate_url(self): entity = self.__class__.__name__.lower() return reverse( "apis_core:apis_entities:generic_entities_duplicate_view", kwargs={"contenttype": entity, "pk":}, )
[docs] def get_merge_url(self): entity = self.__class__.__name__.lower() return reverse( "apis_core:apis_entities:generic_entities_merge_view", kwargs={"contenttype": entity, "pk":}, )
[docs] def merge_charfield(self, other, field): res = getattr(self, if not field.choices: otherres = getattr(other,, res) if otherres != res: res += f" ({otherres})" setattr(self,, res)
[docs] def merge_textfield(self, other, field): res = getattr(self, if getattr(other, res += "\n" + f"Merged from {other}:\n" + getattr(other, setattr(self,, res)
[docs] def merge_booleanfield(self, other, field): setattr( self,, getattr(self, and getattr(other, )
[docs] def merge_start_date_written(self, other): self.start_date_written = self.start_date_written or other.start_date_written
[docs] def merge_end_date_written(self, other): self.end_date_written = self.end_date_written or other.end_date_written
[docs] def merge_fields(self, other): """ This method iterates through the model fields and copies data from other to self. It first tries to find a merge method that is specific to that field (merge_{fieldname}) and then tries to find a method that is specific to the type of the field (merge_{fieldtype}) It is called by the `merge_with` method. """ for field in self._meta.fields: fieldtype = field.get_internal_type().lower() # if there is a `merge_{fieldname}` method in this model, use that one if callable(getattr(self, f"merge_{}", None)): getattr(self, f"merge_{}")(other) # otherwise we check if there is a method for the field type and use that one elif callable(getattr(self, f"merge_{fieldtype}", None)): getattr(self, f"merge_{fieldtype}")(other, field) else: if not getattr(self, setattr(self,, getattr(other,
[docs] def merge_with(self, entities): if self in entities: entities.remove(self) origin = self.__class__ signals.pre_merge_with.send(sender=origin, instance=self, entities=entities) # TODO: check if these imports can be put to top of module without # causing circular import issues. from apis_core.apis_metainfo.models import Uri e_a = type(self).__name__ self_model_class = ContentType.objects.get(model__iexact=e_a).model_class() if isinstance(entities, int): entities = self_model_class.objects.get(pk=entities) if not isinstance(entities, list) and not isinstance(entities, QuerySet): entities = [entities] entities = [ self_model_class.objects.get(pk=ent) if isinstance(ent, int) else ent for ent in entities ] for ent in entities: e_b = type(ent).__name__ if e_a != e_b: continue for f in ent._meta.local_many_to_many: if not"_set"): sl = list(getattr(self, for s in getattr(ent, if s not in sl: getattr(self, Uri.objects.filter(root_object=ent).update(root_object=self) TempTriple.objects.filter( TempTriple.objects.filter( for ent in entities: self.merge_fields(ent) signals.post_merge_with.send(sender=origin, instance=self, entities=entities) for ent in entities: ent.delete()
[docs] def get_serialization(self): from apis_core.apis_entities.serializers_generic import EntitySerializer return EntitySerializer(self).data
[docs] @receiver(post_save, dispatch_uid="create_default_uri") def create_default_uri(sender, instance, created, raw, using, update_fields, **kwargs): create_default_uri = getattr(settings, "CREATE_DEFAULT_URI", True) skip_default_uri = getattr(instance, "skip_default_uri", False) if create_default_uri and not skip_default_uri: if isinstance(instance, AbstractEntity) and created: base = getattr(settings, "APIS_BASE_URI", "").strip("/") try: route = reverse("GetEntityGenericRoot", kwargs={"pk":}) except NoReverseMatch: route = reverse( "apis_core:GetEntityGeneric", kwargs={"pk":} ) uri = f"{base}{route}" Uri.objects.create(uri=uri, domain="apis default", root_object=instance)