Source code for apis_core.apis_entities.urls

from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
from django.http import Http404
from django.shortcuts import get_list_or_404
from django.urls import include, path, register_converter

from apis_core.apis_entities.api_views import GetEntityGeneric, ListEntityGeneric

# from .views import ReversionCompareView TODO: add again when import is fixed
from apis_core.apis_entities.models import AbstractEntity
from apis_core.apis_entities.views import (

api_routes = [
    path("entities/", ListEntityGeneric.as_view()),

[docs] class EntityToContenttypeConverter: """ A converter that converts from a the name of an entity class (i.e. `person`) to the actual Django model class. """ regex = r"\w+"
[docs] def to_python(self, value): candiates = get_list_or_404(ContentType, model=value) candiates = list( filter( lambda ct: ct.model_class() is not None and issubclass(ct.model_class(), AbstractEntity), candiates, ) ) if len(candiates) > 1: raise Http404("Multiple entities match the <%s> identifier" % value) return candiates[0]
[docs] def to_url(self, value): if isinstance(value, ContentType): return value.model if isinstance(value, str): return value
register_converter(EntityToContenttypeConverter, "entitytocontenttype") app_name = "apis_entities" entity_patterns = [ path( "<int:pk>/duplicate/", EntitiesDuplicate.as_view(), name="generic_entities_duplicate_view", ), ] urlpatterns = [ path( "entity/<entitytocontenttype:contenttype>/", include(entity_patterns), ), path("autocomplete/", EntitiesAutocomplete.as_view(), name="autocomplete"), ]