Source code for apis_core.apis_relations.tables

import django_tables2 as tables
from django.conf import settings
from django.db.models import Case, F, When
from django.utils.html import format_html

from apis_core.apis_relations.models import TempTriple
from apis_core.generic.tables import GenericTable

empty_text_default = "There are currently no relations"

[docs] class TripleTable(GenericTable): subj = tables.Column(linkify=True) obj = tables.Column(linkify=True)
[docs] class Meta(GenericTable.Meta): fields = ["id", "subj", "prop", "obj"] exclude = ["desc"] sequence = tuple(fields) + GenericTable.Meta.sequence
[docs] class SubjObjColumn(tables.ManyToManyColumn): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): kwargs["separator"] = format_html(",<br>") kwargs["orderable"] = True kwargs["filter"] = lambda qs: qs.order_by("model") kwargs["transform"] = lambda ent: f"{}" kwargs["linkify_item"] = { "viewname": "apis_core:apis_entities:generic_entities_list", "args": [tables.A("model")], } super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] class PropertyTable(GenericTable): """Construct table for properties. The table shows how entities connect with one another via properties (relations). It uses the format of an RDF triple – Subject-Predicate-Object – plus "Reverse Predicate" for the inverse relationship and is displayed on the frontend on the Relations > Property page. """ # Note on constructing table columns / usage of variables: # The variables used to declare table columns need to have the same names # as the model field names from which the columns should be created, # or tables.Column needs to contain an attribute "accessor" which references # the original field name. # For columns which allow sorting, the variable names are used as sort strings # in the user's browser address bar, so for UX reasons, it may make sense to # use different variable names than the original field names. predicate = tables.Column(accessor="name_forward", verbose_name="Predicate") predicate_reverse = tables.Column( accessor="name_reverse", verbose_name="Reverse predicate" ) subject = SubjObjColumn(accessor="subj_class", verbose_name="Subject") object = SubjObjColumn(accessor="obj_class", verbose_name="Object")
[docs] class Meta(GenericTable.Meta): fields = ["subject", "predicate", "object", "predicate_reverse"] order_by = "predicate" exclude = ["desc"] sequence = tuple(fields) + GenericTable.Meta.sequence
# Use order_ methods to define how individual columns should be sorted. # Method names are column names prefixed with "order_". # By default, columns for regular fields are sorted alphabetically; for # ManyToMany fields, however, the row IDs of the originating table are # used as basis for sorting. # When column names and field names differ (see earlier note), the original # field names need to be referenced when constructing queryset.
[docs] def order_subject(self, queryset, is_descending): queryset = queryset.annotate(entity=F("subj_class__model")).order_by( ("-" if is_descending else "") + "entity" ) return (queryset, True)
[docs] def order_object(self, queryset, is_descending): queryset = queryset.annotate(entity=F("obj_class__model")).order_by( ("-" if is_descending else "") + "entity" ) return (queryset, True)
[docs] class TripleTableBase(GenericTable): """ The base table from which detail or edit tables will inherit from in order to avoid redundant definitions """
[docs] class Meta: model = TempTriple # the fields list also serves as the defining order of them, as to avoid duplicated definitions fields = [ "start_date_written", "end_date_written", "other_prop", "other_entity", "notes", ] exclude = ( "desc", "view", ) # reuse the list for ordering sequence = tuple(fields)
[docs] def order_start_date_written(self, queryset, is_descending): if is_descending: return (queryset.order_by(F("start_date").desc(nulls_last=True)), True) return (queryset.order_by(F("start_date").asc(nulls_last=True)), True)
[docs] def order_end_date_written(self, queryset, is_descending): if is_descending: return (queryset.order_by(F("end_date").desc(nulls_last=True)), True) return (queryset.order_by(F("end_date").asc(nulls_last=True)), True)
[docs] def render_other_entity(self, record, value): """ Custom render_FOO method for related entity linking. Since the 'other_related_entity' is a generated annotation on the queryset, it does not return the related instance but only the foreign key as the integer it is. Thus fetching the related instance is necessary. :param record: The 'row' of a queryset, i.e. an entity instance :param value: The current column of the row, i.e. the 'other_related_entity' annotation :return: related instance """ if value == return record.subj elif value == return record.obj else: raise Exception( "Did not find the entity this relation is supposed to come from!" + "Something must have went wrong when annotating for the related instance." )
def __init__(self, data, *args, **kwargs): data = data.annotate( other_entity=Case( # **kwargs pattern is needed here as the key-value pairs change with each relation class and entity instance. When(**{"subj__pk": self.entity_pk_self, "then": "obj"}), When(**{"obj__pk": self.entity_pk_self, "then": "subj"}), ), other_prop=Case( # **kwargs pattern is needed here as the key-value pairs change with each relation class and entity instance. When(**{"subj__pk": self.entity_pk_self, "then": "prop__name_forward"}), When(**{"obj__pk": self.entity_pk_self, "then": "prop__name_reverse"}), ), ) self.base_columns["other_prop"].verbose_name = "Other property" self.base_columns[ "other_entity" ].verbose_name = f"Related {self.other_entity_class_name.title()}" super().__init__(data, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def render_start_date_written(self, record, value): if record.start_start_date is not None and record.start_end_date is not None: title_text = f"{record.start_start_date} - {record.start_end_date}" elif record.start_date is not None: title_text = record.start_date else: return "—" return format_html(f"<abbr title='{title_text}'>{value}</b>")
[docs] def render_end_date_written(self, record, value): if record.end_start_date is not None and record.end_end_date is not None: title_text = f"{record.end_start_date} - {record.end_end_date}" elif record.end_date is not None: title_text = record.end_date else: return "—" return format_html(f"<abbr title='{title_text}'>{value}</b>")
[docs] class TripleTableDetail(TripleTableBase):
[docs] class Meta(TripleTableBase.Meta): exclude = TripleTableBase.Meta.exclude + ("delete", "edit")
def __init__(self, data, *args, **kwargs): self.base_columns["other_entity"] = tables.Column( linkify=lambda record: record.obj.get_absolute_url() if record.other_entity == else record.subj.get_absolute_url() ) # bibsonomy button if "apis_bibsonomy" in settings.INSTALLED_APPS: self.base_columns["ref"] = tables.TemplateColumn( template_name="apis_relations/references_button_generic_ajax_form.html" ) super().__init__(data=data, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] class TripleTableEdit(TripleTableBase):
[docs] class Meta(TripleTableBase.Meta): fields = TripleTableBase.Meta.fields if "apis_bibsonomy" in settings.INSTALLED_APPS: fields = ["ref"] + TripleTableBase.Meta.fields sequence = tuple(fields)
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.base_columns["other_entity"] = tables.Column( linkify=lambda record: record.obj.get_edit_url() if record.other_entity == else record.subj.get_edit_url() ) self.base_columns["edit"] = tables.TemplateColumn( template_name="apis_relations/edit_button_generic_ajax_form.html" ) if "apis_bibsonomy" in settings.INSTALLED_APPS: self.base_columns["ref"] = tables.TemplateColumn( template_name="apis_relations/references_button_generic_ajax_form.html" ) super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_generic_triple_table(other_entity_class_name, entity_pk_self, detail): if detail: tt = TripleTableDetail else: tt = TripleTableEdit tt.entity_pk_self = entity_pk_self tt.other_entity_class_name = other_entity_class_name return tt