Source code for apis_core.collections.models

from django.contrib.contenttypes.fields import GenericForeignKey
from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
from django.db import models

from import GenericModel

[docs] class SkosCollectionManager(models.Manager):
[docs] def get_by_full_path(self, name: str): """ Return a collection specified by its full path, from the root colletion to the leaf collection, delimited by `|`. I.e. if there is a collection named `foo` and it has a parent named `bar` and `bar` does not have a parent, then you can use the string "bar|foo" to get the `foo` collection. """ names = name.split("|") parent = None while names: parent = self.get(parent=parent, name=names.pop(0)) return parent
[docs] def by_instance(self, instance): content_type = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(instance) scco = SkosCollectionContentObject.objects.filter( content_type=content_type, ) return self.get_queryset().filter( pk__in=scco.values_list("collection", flat=True) )
[docs] class SkosCollection(GenericModel, models.Model): """ SKOS collections are labeled and/or ordered groups of SKOS concepts. Collections are useful where a group of concepts shares something in common, and it is convenient to group them under a common label, or where some concepts can be placed in a meaningful order. Miles, Alistair, and Sean Bechhofer. "SKOS simple knowledge organization system reference. W3C recommendation (2009)." """ class Meta: ordering = ["name"] constraints = [ models.UniqueConstraint( fields=( "name", "parent", ), name="unique_name_parent", nulls_distinct=False, violation_error_message="The combination of name and parent collection must be unique", ), models.CheckConstraint( check=~models.Q(name__contains="|"), name="check_name_pipe", violation_error_message="The name must not contain the pipe symbol: |", ), ] parent = models.ForeignKey("self", null=True, on_delete=models.CASCADE, blank=True) name = models.CharField( max_length=300, verbose_name="skos:prefLabel", help_text="Collection label or name", ) label_lang = models.CharField( max_length=3, blank=True, default="en", verbose_name="skos:prefLabel language", help_text="Language of preferred label given above", ) creator = models.TextField( blank=True, verbose_name="dc:creator", help_text="Person or organisation that created this collection" "If more than one list all using a semicolon ;", ) contributor = models.TextField( blank=True, verbose_name="dc:contributor", help_text="Person or organisation that made contributions to the collection" "If more than one list all using a semicolon ;", ) objects = SkosCollectionManager() def __str__(self): return
[docs] def children(self): return SkosCollection.objects.filter(parent=self)
[docs] def children_tree_as_list(self): childtrees = [self] for child in self.children(): childtrees.extend(child.children_tree_as_list()) return childtrees
[docs] def add(self, instance: object): content_type = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(instance) SkosCollectionContentObject.objects.get_or_create( collection=self, content_type=content_type, )
[docs] def remove(self, instance: object): content_type = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(instance) SkosCollectionContentObject.objects.filter( collection=self, content_type=content_type, ).delete()
[docs] class SkosCollectionContentObject(GenericModel, models.Model): """ *Throughtable* datamodel to connect collections to arbitrary content """ collection = models.ForeignKey(SkosCollection, on_delete=models.CASCADE) content_type = models.ForeignKey(ContentType, on_delete=models.CASCADE) object_id = models.PositiveIntegerField() content_object = GenericForeignKey("content_type", "object_id") def __str__(self): return f"{self.content_object} -> {self.collection}"