Source code for apis_core.generic.forms.fields

from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
from django.forms import ChoiceField, ModelChoiceField, MultiValueField, MultiWidget
from django.utils.translation import gettext as _

from apis_core.utils.helpers import create_object_from_uri

[docs] class ModelImportChoiceField(ModelChoiceField):
[docs] def to_python(self, value): result = None try: result = create_object_from_uri(value, self.queryset.model) except Exception as e: raise ValidationError( _("Could not import %(value)s: %(exception)s"), params={"value": value, "exception": e}, ) return result or super().to_python(value)
[docs] class IncludeExcludeMultiWidget(MultiWidget): template_name = "widgets/includeexclude_multiwidget.html" use_fieldset = False
[docs] def decompress(self, value): return [value, value]
[docs] class IncludeExcludeField(MultiValueField): """ This is a custom MultiValueField that adds a ChoiceField that only provides two choices, namely `exclude` and `include`. It can be used for django-filter filters to specify which action should be done with the filter. """ def __init__(self, field, *args, **kwargs): fields = ( field, ChoiceField(choices=[("include", "include"), ("exclude", "exclude")]), ) kwargs["widget"] = IncludeExcludeMultiWidget(widgets=[f.widget for f in fields]) super().__init__(fields=fields, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def compress(self, data_list): return data_list