Source code for apis_core.generic.generators

from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
from django.urls import resolve, reverse
from drf_spectacular.generators import EndpointEnumerator, SchemaGenerator

from import GenericModel

# Custom Schema Generator
# The CustomSchemaGenerator is meant as a drop in replacement for the
# "DEFAULT_GENERATOR_CLASS" of drf-spectacular. You can use it like this:
# SPECTACULAR_SETTINGS["DEFAULT_GENERATOR_CLASS"] = 'apis_core.generic.generators.CustomSchemaGenerator'
# Reasons:
# The first reason is, that we are using a custom converter
# (`apis_core.generic.urls.ContenttypeConverter`) to provide access to views
# and api views of different contenttypes. The default endpoint generator of
# does not know about this converter and therefore sees the endpoints using
# this converter as *one* endpoint with one parameter called `contenttype`.
# Thats not what we want, so we have to do our own enumeration - we iterate
# through all contenttypes that inherit from `GenericModel` and create
# schema endpoints for those programatically.
# The second reason is, that the autoapi schema generator of DRF Spectacular
# and our `apis_core.generic.api_views.ModelViewSet` don't work well together.
# Our ModelViewSet needs the dispatch method to set the model of the
# `ModelViewSet`, but this method is not being called by the generator while
# doing the inspection, which means the `ModelViewSet` does not know about the
# model it should work with and can not provide the correct serializer and filter
# classes. Therefore we create the callback for the endpoints by hand and set
# the model from there.

[docs] class CustomEndpointEnumerator(EndpointEnumerator): def _generate_content_type_endpoint( self, content_type: ContentType, method: str = "list" ): """Create a endpoint tuple, usable by the SchemaGenerator of DRF spectacular""" path = reverse("apis_core:generic:genericmodelapi-list", args=[content_type]) cls = resolve(path).func.cls if method == "detail": path += "{id}/" regex = path # for now we only do "GET" httpmethod = "GET" # we have to add a attribute, so that the # `initkwargs` argument to the `as_view` # method can contain a `model` argument cls.model = None callback = cls.as_view({"get": method}, model=content_type.model_class()) return (path, regex, httpmethod, callback)
[docs] def get_api_endpoints(self, patterns=None, prefix=""): """ Call the EndpointEnumerator's `get_api_endpoints` method to get all the automatically found endpoints, remove the ones that we want to override and the add our custom endpoints to this list. """ api_endpoints = super().get_api_endpoints(patterns, prefix) api_endpoints = [ endpoint for endpoint in api_endpoints if not endpoint[0].startswith("/apis/api/{contenttype}/") ] for content_type in ContentType.objects.all(): if content_type.model_class() is not None and issubclass( content_type.model_class(), GenericModel ): api_endpoints.append(self._generate_content_type_endpoint(content_type)) api_endpoints.append( self._generate_content_type_endpoint(content_type, "detail") ) return api_endpoints
[docs] class CustomSchemaGenerator(SchemaGenerator): endpoint_inspector_cls = CustomEndpointEnumerator