import functools
import logging
from django.contrib.auth import get_permission_codename
from django.db.models import CharField, Model, Q, TextField
from django.utils import module_loading
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def default_search_fields(model, field_names=None):
Retrieve the default model fields to use for a search operation
By default those are all the CharFields and TextFields of a model.
It is also possible to define those fields on the model using the
`_default_search_fields` attribute.
The method also takes a `field_names` argument to override the list
of fields.
default_types = (CharField, TextField)
fields = [
field for field in model._meta.get_fields() if isinstance(field, default_types)
# check if the model has a `_default_search_fields`
# list and use that as searchfields
if isinstance(getattr(model, "_default_search_fields", None), list):
fields = [
model._meta.get_field(field) for field in model._default_search_fields
# if `fields_to_search` is a list, use that
if isinstance(field_names, list):
fields = [model._meta.get_field(field) for field in field_names]
return fields
def generate_search_filter(model, query, fields_to_search=None, prefix=""):
Generate a default search filter that searches for the `query`
This helper can be used by autocomplete querysets if nothing
fancier is needed.
If the `prefix` is set, the field names will be prefixed with that string -
this can be useful if you want to use the `generate_search_filter` in a
`Q` combined query while searching over multiple models.
query = query.split()
_fields_to_search = [ for field in default_search_fields(model, fields_to_search)
q = Q()
for token in query:
q &= functools.reduce(
lambda acc, field_name: acc
| Q(**{f"{prefix}{field_name}__icontains": token}),
return q
def mro_paths(model):
Create a list of MRO classes for a Django model
paths = []
for cls in filter(lambda x: x not in Model.mro(), model.mro()):
paths.append(cls.__module__.split(".")[:-1] + [cls.__name__])
return paths
def template_names_via_mro(model, suffix=""):
Use the MRO to generate a list of template names for a model
mro_prefix_list = ["/".join(prefix) for prefix in mro_paths(model)]
return [f"{prefix.lower()}{suffix}" for prefix in mro_prefix_list]
def permission_fullname(action: str, model: object) -> str:
permission_codename = get_permission_codename(action, model._meta)
return f"{model._meta.app_label}.{permission_codename}"
def module_paths(model, path: str = "", suffix: str = "") -> list:
paths = list(map(lambda x: x[:-1] + [path] + x[-1:], mro_paths(model)))
classes = tuple(".".join(prefix) + suffix for prefix in paths)
return classes
def makeclassprefix(string: str) -> str:
string = "".join([c if c.isidentifier() else " " for c in string])
string = "".join([word.strip().capitalize() for word in string.split(" ")])
return string
def import_string(dotted_path):
return module_loading.import_string(dotted_path)
except (ModuleNotFoundError, ImportError):
return False
def first_member_match(dotted_path_list: tuple[str], fallback=None) -> object:
logger.debug("Looking for matching class in %s", dotted_path_list)
pathgen = map(import_string, dotted_path_list)
result = next(filter(bool, pathgen), None)
if result:
logger.debug("Found matching attribute/class in %s", result)
logger.debug("Found nothing, returning fallback: %s", fallback)
return result or fallback