Source code for apis_core.generic.tables

import django_tables2 as tables

from apis_core.generic.helpers import permission_fullname

[docs] class CustomTemplateColumn(tables.TemplateColumn): """ A custom template column - the `tables.TemplateColumn` class does not allow to set attributes via class variables. Therefor we use this CustomTemplateColumn to set some arguments based on class attributes and override the attributes in child classes. """ template_name = None orderable = None exclude_from_export = False verbose_name = None def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__( template_name=self.template_name, orderable=self.orderable, exclude_from_export=self.exclude_from_export, verbose_name=self.verbose_name, *args, **kwargs, )
[docs] class ActionColumn(CustomTemplateColumn): """ A custom template column with some additional attributes for actions. """ orderable = False exclude_from_export = True verbose_name = "" attrs = {"td": {"style": "width:1%;"}}
[docs] def render(self, record, table, *args, **kwargs): if permission := getattr(self, "permission", False): if not table.request.user.has_perm(permission_fullname(permission, record)): return "" return super().render(record, table, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] class DeleteColumn(ActionColumn): """ A column showing a delete button """ template_name = "columns/delete.html" permission = "delete"
[docs] class EditColumn(ActionColumn): """ A column showing an edit button """ template_name = "columns/edit.html" permission = "change"
[docs] class ViewColumn(ActionColumn): """ A column showing a view button """ template_name = "columns/view.html" permission = "view"
[docs] class DescriptionColumn(CustomTemplateColumn): """ A column showing a model description """ template_name = "columns/description.html" orderable = False
[docs] class GenericTable(tables.Table): """ A generic table that contains an edit button column, a delete button column and a description column """ edit = EditColumn() desc = DescriptionColumn() delete = DeleteColumn() view = ViewColumn()
[docs] class Meta: fields = ["id", "desc"] sequence = ("...", "view", "edit", "delete")