Source code for apis_core.relations.forms

from crispy_forms.helper import FormHelper
from crispy_forms.layout import Submit
from dal import autocomplete
from django import forms
from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404
from django.urls import reverse
from django.utils.http import urlencode

from apis_core.generic.forms import GenericModelForm

[docs] class CustomSelect2ListChoiceField(autocomplete.Select2ListChoiceField): """ We use a custom Select2ListChoiceField in our Relation form, because we don't want the form value to be validated. The field uses the `choices` setting as a basis for validating, but our choices span over multiple querysets, so its easier to simply not validate (some validation happens in the `clean` method anyway). """
[docs] def validate(self, value): if "_" not in value: raise ValidationError("please choose a correct value")
[docs] class RelationForm(GenericModelForm): """ This form overrides generic form for relation editing. Relations have generic relations to subj and obj, but we hide those ForeignKey form fields and instead show autocomplete choices fields. """
[docs] class Meta: fields = "__all__" widgets = { "subj_content_type": forms.HiddenInput(), "subj_object_id": forms.HiddenInput(), "obj_content_type": forms.HiddenInput(), "obj_object_id": forms.HiddenInput(), }
def __entities_autocomplete_with_params(self, content_types=[ContentType]) -> str: """helper method to generate the entities autocomplete url with contentype parameters""" url = reverse("apis_core:apis_entities:autocomplete") params = [f"entities={ct.app_label}.{ct.model}" for ct in content_types] return url + "?" + "&".join(params) def __subj_autocomplete_url(self, subj_content_type=None) -> str: """generate the autocomplete url for the subj field. by default use the subject types configured in the relation. If there is a subj_content_type passed in the `initial` dict of the form, use that contenttype instead of the configured ones""" subj_content_types = [ ContentType.objects.get_for_model(model) for model in self.Meta.model.subj_list() ] if subj_content_type: subj_content_types = [ContentType.objects.get(pk=subj_content_type)] return self.__entities_autocomplete_with_params(subj_content_types) def __obj_autocomplete_url(self, obj_content_type=None) -> str: """generate the autocomplete url for the obj field. by default use the object types configured in the relation. If there is a obj_content_type passed in the `initial` dict of the form, use that contenttype instead of the configured ones""" obj_content_types = [ ContentType.objects.get_for_model(model) for model in self.Meta.model.obj_list() ] if obj_content_type: obj_content_types = [ContentType.objects.get(pk=obj_content_type)] return self.__entities_autocomplete_with_params(obj_content_types) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Initialize the form and add the `subj` and `obj` fields using the generic apis_entities autocomplete with the correct parameters. """ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) subj_content_type = kwargs["initial"].get("subj_content_type", None) subj_object_id = kwargs["initial"].get("subj_object_id", None) obj_content_type = kwargs["initial"].get("obj_content_type", None) obj_object_id = kwargs["initial"].get("obj_object_id", None) self.subj_instance, self.obj_instance = None, None if instance := kwargs.get("instance"): self.subj_instance = instance.subj self.obj_instance = instance.obj else: if subj_content_type and subj_object_id: model = get_object_or_404(ContentType, pk=subj_content_type) self.subj_instance = get_object_or_404( model.model_class(), pk=subj_object_id ) if obj_content_type and obj_object_id: model = get_object_or_404(ContentType, pk=obj_content_type) self.obj_instance = get_object_or_404( model.model_class(), pk=obj_object_id ) self.fields["subj_object_id"].required = False self.fields["subj_content_type"].required = False if not subj_object_id: self.fields["subj"] = CustomSelect2ListChoiceField() self.fields["subj"].widget = autocomplete.ListSelect2( url=self.__subj_autocomplete_url(subj_content_type) ) if self.subj_instance: content_type = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(self.subj_instance) select_identifier = f"{}_{}" self.fields["subj"].initial = select_identifier self.fields["subj"].choices = [(select_identifier, self.subj_instance)] self.fields["obj_object_id"].required = False self.fields["obj_content_type"].required = False if not obj_object_id: self.fields["obj"] = CustomSelect2ListChoiceField() self.fields["obj"].widget = autocomplete.ListSelect2( url=self.__obj_autocomplete_url(obj_content_type) ) if self.obj_instance: content_type = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(self.obj_instance) select_identifier = f"{}_{}" self.fields["obj"].initial = select_identifier self.fields["obj"].choices = [(select_identifier, self.obj_instance)] self.helper = FormHelper(self) model_ct = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(self.Meta.model) self.helper.form_id = f"relation_{model_ct.model}_form" self.helper.add_input(Submit("submit", "Submit"))
[docs] def clean(self) -> dict: """ We check if there are `subj` or `obj` fields in the form data and if so, we use the data to create objects for the real fields of the Relation """ cleaned_data = super().clean() if "subj" in cleaned_data: subj_content_type, subj_object_id = cleaned_data["subj"].split("_") cleaned_data["subj_content_type"] = ContentType.objects.get( pk=subj_content_type ) cleaned_data["subj_object_id"] = subj_object_id del cleaned_data["subj"] if "obj" in cleaned_data: obj_content_type, obj_object_id = cleaned_data["obj"].split("_") cleaned_data["obj_content_type"] = ContentType.objects.get( pk=obj_content_type ) cleaned_data["obj_object_id"] = obj_object_id del cleaned_data["obj"] return cleaned_data
[docs] class RelationFormHX(RelationForm): """ A Relation form that sets a hx-post attribute to the form to make the htmx POST request use another route. We also pass a `reverse` boolean, wich gets passed on to the POST endpoint using url parameters. The POST endpoint then calculates the success_url based on the `reverse` state. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.is_reverse = kwargs.pop("reverse", False) super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) urlparams = kwargs["initial"] urlparams["reverse"] = self.is_reverse urlparams = {k: v for k, v in urlparams.items() if v} relation_content_type = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(self.Meta.model) hx_post = ( reverse( "apis_core:relations:create_relation_form", args=[relation_content_type] ) + "?" + urlencode(urlparams) ) self.helper.attrs = { "hx-post": hx_post, "hx-swap": "outerHTML", "hx-target": f"#{self.helper.form_id}", } @property def relation_name(self) -> str: if self.is_reverse: return self._meta.model.reverse_name return