import math
import re
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
def parse_date(date_string: str) -> (datetime, datetime, datetime):
function to parse a string date field of an entity
:param date_string : str :
the field value passed by a user
:return date_single : datetime :
single date which represents either the precise date given by user or median in between a range.
:return date_ab : datetime :
starting date of a range if user passed a range value either implicit or explicit.
:return date_bis : datetime :
ending date of a range if user passed a range value either implicit or explicit.
def parse_date_range_individual(date, ab=False, bis=False):
As a sub function to parse_date, this function parse_date_individual handles a very single date since
in a text field a user can pass multiple dates.
:param date : str :
recognized sub string which potentially is a date (in julian calendar format)
:param ab : boolean : optional
indicates if a single date shall be intepreted as a starting date of a range
:param bis : boolean : optional
indicates if a single date shall be intepreted as an ending date of a range
:return tuple (datetime, datetime) :
two datetime objects representing the dates.
Two indicate that an implicit single date range was given (e.g. a year without months or days).
Has to be further processed then since it can be either a starting or ending date range.
:return datetime :
One datetime object representing the date.
if a single date was given.
def get_last_day_of_month(month, year):
Helper function to return the last day of a given month and year (respecting leap years)
:param month : int
:param year : int
:return day : int
if month in [1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12]:
# 31 day months
return 31
elif month in [4, 6, 9, 11]:
# 30 day months
return 30
elif month == 2:
# special case february, differentiate leap years with respect to gregorian leap rules
if year % 4 == 0:
if year % 100 == 0:
if year % 400 == 0:
# divisible by 4, by 100, by 400
# thus is leap year
return 29
# divisible by 4, by 100, not by 400
# thus is not leap yar
return 28
# divisible by 4, not by 100, if by 400 doesn't matter
# thus is leap year
return 29
# not divisible by 4, if by 100 or by 400 doesn't matter
return 28
# no valid month
raise ValueError("Month " + str(month) + " does not exist.")
# replace all kinds of delimiters
date = (
date.replace(" ", "").replace("-", ".").replace("/", ".").replace("\\", ".")
# parse into variables for use later
year = None
month = None
day = None
# check for all kind of Y-M-D combinations
if re.match(r"\d{3,4}$", date):
# year
year = int(date)
elif re.match(r"\d{1,2}\.\d{3,4}$", date):
# month - year
tmp = re.split(r"\.", date)
month = int(tmp[0])
year = int(tmp[1])
elif re.match(r"\d{1,2}\.\d{1,2}\.\d{3,4}$", date):
# day - month - year
tmp = re.split(r"\.", date)
day = int(tmp[0])
month = int(tmp[1])
year = int(tmp[2])
elif re.match(r"\d{3,4}\.\d{1,2}\.?$", date):
# year - month
tmp = re.split(r"\.", date)
year = int(tmp[0])
month = int(tmp[1])
elif re.match(r"\d{3,4}\.\d{1,2}\.\d{1,2}\.?$", date):
# year - month - day
tmp = re.split(r"\.", date)
year = int(tmp[0])
month = int(tmp[1])
day = int(tmp[2])
# No sensical interpretation found
raise ValueError("Could not interpret date.")
if (ab and bis) or year is None:
# both ab and bis in one single date are not valid, neither is the absence of a year.
raise ValueError("Could not interpret date.")
elif not ab and not bis and (month is None or day is None):
# if both ab and bis are False and either month or day is empty, then it was given
# an implicit date range (range of all months if given a year or all days if given a month)
# construct implicit month range
if month is None:
month_ab = 1
month_bis = 12
month_ab = month
month_bis = month
# construct implicit day range
if day is None:
day_ab = 1
day_bis = get_last_day_of_month(month_bis, year)
day_ab = day
day_bis = day
# return a tuple from a single date (which the calling function has to further process)
return (
datetime(year=year, month=month_ab, day=day_ab),
datetime(year=year, month=month_bis, day=day_bis),
# Either ab or bis is True. Then use the respective beginning or end of range and construct a precise date
# Or both ab and bis are False. Then construct a precise date from parsed values
# construct implicit month range if month is None
if month is None:
if ab and not bis:
# is a starting date, thus take first month of year
month = 1
elif not ab and bis:
# is an ending date, thus take last month of year
month = 12
# construct implicit day range if day is None
if day is None:
if ab and not bis:
# is a starting date, thus take first day of month
day = 1
elif not ab and bis:
# is an ending date, thus take last month of year
day = get_last_day_of_month(month=month, year=year)
return datetime(year=year, month=month, day=day)
# return variables
date_single = None
date_ab = None
date_bis = None
# split for angle brackets, check if explicit iso date is contained within them
date_split_angle = re.split(r"(<.*?>)", date_string)
if len(date_split_angle) > 1:
# date string contains angle brackets. Parse them, ignore the rest
def parse_iso_date(date_string):
date_string_split = date_string.split("-")
return datetime(
except Exception:
raise ValueError("Invalid iso date: ", date_string)
if len(date_split_angle) > 3:
# invalid case
raise ValueError("Too many angle brackets.")
elif len(date_split_angle) == 3:
# the right amount of substrings, indicating exactly one pair of angle brackets.
# Parse the iso date in between
# remove angle brackets and split by commas
dates_iso = date_split_angle[1][1:-1]
# check for commas, which would indicate that either one iso date or three are being input
dates_iso = dates_iso.split(",")
if len(dates_iso) != 1 and len(dates_iso) != 3:
# only either one iso date or three are allowed
raise ValueError(
"Incorrect number of dates given. Within angle brackets only one or three (separated by commas) are allowed."
elif len(dates_iso) == 3:
# three iso dates indicate further start and end dates
# parse start date
date_ab_string = dates_iso[1].strip()
if date_ab_string != "":
date_ab = parse_iso_date(date_ab_string)
# parse end date
date_bis_string = dates_iso[2].strip()
if date_bis_string != "":
date_bis = parse_iso_date(date_bis_string)
# parse single date
date_single_string = dates_iso[0].strip()
if date_single_string != "":
date_single = parse_iso_date(date_single_string)
# date string contains no angle brackets. Interpret the possible date formats
date_string = date_string.lower()
date_string = date_string.replace(" ", "")
# helper variables for the following loop
found_ab = False
found_bis = False
found_single = False
# split by allowed keywords 'ab' and 'bis' and iterate over them
date_split_ab_bis = re.split(r"(ab|bis)", date_string)
for i, v in enumerate(date_split_ab_bis):
if v == "ab":
# indicates that the next value must be a start date
if found_ab or found_single:
# if already found a ab_date or single date before then there is non-conformative redundancy
raise ValueError("Redundant dates found.")
found_ab = True
# parse the next value which must be a parsable date string
date_ab = parse_date_range_individual(
date_split_ab_bis[i + 1], ab=True
elif v == "bis":
# indicates that the next value must be an end date
if found_bis or found_single:
# if already found a bis_date or single date before then there is non-conformative redundancy
raise ValueError("Redundant dates found.")
found_bis = True
# parse the next value which must be a parsable date string
date_bis = parse_date_range_individual(
date_split_ab_bis[i + 1], bis=True
elif v != "" and not found_ab and not found_bis and not found_single:
# indicates that this value must be a date
found_single = True
# parse the this value which must be a parsable date string
date_single = parse_date_range_individual(v)
if type(date_single) is tuple:
# if result of parse_date_range_individual is a tuple then the date was an implict range.
# Then split it into start and end dates
date_ab = date_single[0]
date_bis = date_single[1]
if date_ab and date_bis:
# date is a range
if date_ab > date_bis:
raise ValueError("'ab-date' must be before 'bis-date' in time")
# calculate difference between start and end date of range,
# and use it to calculate a single date for usage as median.
days_delta_half = math.floor(
(date_bis - date_ab).days / 2,
date_single = date_ab + timedelta(days=days_delta_half)
elif date_ab is not None and date_bis is None:
# date is only the start of a range, save it also as the single date
date_single = date_ab
elif date_ab is None and date_bis is not None:
# date is only the end of a range, save it also as the single date
date_single = date_bis
except Exception as e:
print("Could not parse date: '", date_string, "' due to error: ", e)
return date_single, date_ab, date_bis