Source code for apis_core.utils.helpers

import difflib
import itertools

from django.apps import apps
from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
from django.core import serializers
from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured
from django.db import DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS, router
from django.db.models import Q
from django_tables2 import RequestConfig

from apis_core.apis_metainfo.models import Uri
from apis_core.apis_relations.models import Property, TempTriple
from apis_core.apis_relations.tables import get_generic_triple_table
from apis_core.generic.helpers import first_member_match, module_paths
from apis_core.utils.settings import get_entity_settings_by_modelname

[docs] def get_content_types_with_allowed_relation_from( content_type: ContentType, ) -> list[ContentType]: """Returns a list of ContentTypes to which the given ContentTypes may be related by a Property""" # Find all the properties where the entity is either subject or object properties_with_entity_as_subject = Property.objects.filter( subj_class=content_type ).prefetch_related("obj_class") properties_with_entity_as_object = Property.objects.filter( obj_class=content_type ).prefetch_related("subj_class") content_type_querysets = [] # Where entity is subject, get all the object content_types for p in properties_with_entity_as_subject: objs = p.obj_class.all() content_type_querysets.append(objs) # Where entity is object, get all the subject content_types for p in properties_with_entity_as_object: subjs = p.subj_class.all() content_type_querysets.append(subjs) # Join querysets with itertools.chain, call set to make unique, and extract the model class return set(itertools.chain(*content_type_querysets))
[docs] def datadump_get_objects(models: list = [], *args, **kwargs): for model in models: if not model._meta.proxy and router.allow_migrate_model( DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS, model ): objects = model._default_manager queryset = objects.using(DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS).order_by( yield from queryset.iterator()
[docs] def datadump_get_queryset(additional_app_labels: list = []): """ This method is loosely based on the `dumpdata` admin command. It iterates throug the relevant app models and exports them using a serializer and natural foreign keys. Data exported this way can be reimported into a newly created Django APIS app """ # get all APIS apps and all APIS models apis_app_labels = ["apis_relations", "apis_metainfo"] apis_app_models = [ model for model in apps.get_models() if model._meta.app_label in apis_app_labels ] # create a list of app labels we want to iterate # this allows to extend the apps via the ?app_labels= parameter app_labels = set(apis_app_labels) app_labels |= set(additional_app_labels) # look for models that inherit from APIS models and add their # app label to app_labels for model in apps.get_models(): if any(map(lambda x: issubclass(model, x), apis_app_models)): app_labels.add(model._meta.app_label) # now go through all app labels app_list = {} for app_label in app_labels: app_config = apps.get_app_config(app_label) app_list[app_config] = None models = serializers.sort_dependencies(app_list.items(), allow_cycles=True) yield from datadump_get_objects(models)
[docs] def datadump_serializer(additional_app_labels: list = [], serialier_format="json"): return serializers.serialize( serialier_format, datadump_get_queryset(additional_app_labels), use_natural_foreign_keys=True, )
[docs] def triple_sidebar(obj: object, request, detail=True): content_type = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(obj) side_bar = [] triples_related_all = ( TempTriple.objects_inheritance.filter(Q( | Q( .all() .select_subclasses() ) for other_content_type in get_content_types_with_allowed_relation_from( content_type ): triples_related_by_entity = triples_related_all.filter( (Q(subj__self_contenttype=other_content_type) & Q( | (Q(obj__self_contenttype=other_content_type) & Q( ) table_class = get_generic_triple_table( other_entity_class_name=other_content_type.model,, detail=detail, ) prefix = f"{other_content_type.model}" title_card = tb_object = table_class(data=triples_related_by_entity, prefix=prefix) tb_object_open = request.GET.get(prefix + "page", None) entity_settings = get_entity_settings_by_modelname(content_type.model) per_page = entity_settings.get("relations_per_page", 10) RequestConfig(request, paginate={"per_page": per_page}).configure(tb_object) tab_id = f"triple_form_{content_type.model}_to_{other_content_type.model}" side_bar.append( ( title_card, tb_object, tab_id, tb_object_open, ) ) return side_bar
[docs] def get_importer_for_model(model: object): importer_paths = module_paths(model, path="importers", suffix="Importer") if importer := first_member_match(importer_paths): return importer raise ImproperlyConfigured(f"No suitable importer found for {model}")
[docs] def create_object_from_uri(uri: str, model: object) -> object: if uri.startswith("http"): try: uri = Uri.objects.get(uri=uri) return uri.root_object except Uri.DoesNotExist: Importer = get_importer_for_model(model) importer = Importer(uri, model) instance = importer.create_instance() uri = Uri.objects.create(uri=importer.get_uri, root_object=instance) return instance return None
[docs] def get_html_diff(a, b, show_a=True, show_b=True, shorten=0): """ Create an colorized html represenation of the difference of two values a and b If `show_a` is True, colorize deletions in `a` If `show_b` is True, colorize insertions in `b` The value of `shorten` defines if long parts of strings that contains no change should be shortened """ def style_remove(text): return f"<span class='diff-remove'>{text}</span>" def style_insert(text): return f"<span class='diff-insert'>{text}</span>" nones = ["", None] if a in nones and b in nones: result = "" elif a in nones: result = style_insert(b) if show_b else "" elif b in nones: result = style_remove(a) if show_a else "" else: result = "" a = str(a) b = str(b) codes = difflib.SequenceMatcher(None, a, b).get_opcodes() for opcode, a_start, a_end, b_start, b_end in codes: match opcode: case "equal": equal = a[a_start:a_end] if shorten and len(equal) > shorten: equal = equal[:5] + " ... " + equal[-10:] result += equal case "delete": if show_a: result += style_remove(a[a_start:a_end]) case "insert": if show_b: result += style_insert(b[b_start:b_end]) case "replace": if show_b: result += style_insert(b[b_start:b_end]) if show_a: result += style_remove(a[a_start:a_end]) return result
[docs] def construct_lookup(value: str) -> tuple[str, str]: """ Helper method to parse input values and construct field lookups ( Parses user input for wildcards and returns a tuple containing the interpreted django lookup string and the trimmed value E.g. - ``example`` -> ``('__icontains', 'example')`` - ``*example*`` -> ``('__icontains', 'example')`` - ``*example`` -> ``('__iendswith', 'example')`` - ``example*``-> ``('__istartswith', 'example')`` - ``"example"`` -> ``('__iexact', 'example')`` :param str value: text to be parsed for ``*`` :return: a tuple containing the lookup type and the value without modifiers """ if value.startswith("*") and not value.endswith("*"): value = value[1:] return "__iendswith", value elif not value.startswith("*") and value.endswith("*"): value = value[:-1] return "__istartswith", value elif value.startswith('"') and value.endswith('"'): value = value[1:-1] return "__iexact", value else: if value.startswith("*") and value.endswith("*"): value = value[1:-1] return "__icontains", value